The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.           

American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc.®

Online CPR Certification Blog

Benefits of Learning to Deliver First Aid Treatment


Date: December 30th, 2019

Benefits of Getting Trained to Deliver First Aid Treatment

Did you know that you could save someone’s life by learning just a few simple skills that will help you deliver first aid treatment? First aid prevents the injury from deteriorating.

There are some other benefits of being equipped with first aid knowledge as well. Let’s find out about them:

5 Components of a Healthy Lifestyle


Date: December 27th, 2019

Components of a Healthy Lifestyle

Let’s take a look at the five basic components of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Balanced Diet

There are a variety of factors that affect your health, one of which is the diet that you consume. In order to stay healthy, you need to keep an eye on what you eat. A balanced diet is the one which has the right amount of fat, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Here are some of the components of a healthy diet:

  • Polyunsaturated fats
  • High-quality protein
  • Fruits low in sugar
  • Green vegetables
  • Foods rich in fiber

Implementing Workstation AEDs


Date: December 25th, 2019

Implementing Workstation Automated External Defibrillators

More than 50% of cardiac arrest cases occur outside a hospital. And it could be anywhere; at home, on the road, at work, anywhere.

That explains why employers must take precaution in their workplace and prepare to act fast in case of a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)?

Well, we all know that the recommended first aid for any SCA victim is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, popularly known as CPR.

But how many staffs in your workstations have the necessary skills to issue CPR to a colleague? Maybe one or two employees with CPR training; in the worst cases, we have no one with knowledge about resuscitation.

First Aid Preparation 101


Date: December 15th, 2019

First aid emergencies can strike at any time and are common occurrences. Scrapes, bruises, cuts, and all sorts of injuries are very common. These minor medical situations seldom cause permanent damage but do need immediate care. Otherwise, infections and increased pain can develop. With a stocked first aid kit, you can prepare yourself for most medical emergencies.

Cardiac arrest and the Smart listening Devices


Date: December 11th, 2019

 Cardiac arrest is defined as the unanticipated stop of heart activity. This may occur in a victim who has or doesn’t have a preexisting heart issue. It can occur spontaneously or after the occurrence of other symptoms. It is always important to detect cardiac arrest early. This way,the individual can receive CPR,and be lucky enough to reach the hospital in time and get medical attention. If this doesn’t happen, a person can die quickly after some time of the cardiac arrest.

Household Sharps: A Guide to Your Home Needle Disposal Options


Date: December 3rd, 2019

The healthcare sector is not complete without the mention of sharps and needles. These refer to the care of healthcare instruments that can pierce through the skin such as needles and scalpels.

Handling Household Sharps and Needles

The healthcare sector is not complete without the mention of sharps and needles. These refer to the care of health care instruments that can pierce through the skin such as needles and scalpels. Nurses and doctors play a key role in administering care with patients. But patients who must inject (themselves) on a regular basis must be trusted with sharps so it is important that each of them familiarizes with the management and disposal of these to safeguard the environment. Proper disposal of sharps is necessary for reducing the possibilities of harm or the spread of blood-borne pathogens. Disregarding the management and disposal of needles or syringes endangers the health of nurses and other medical staff. Most of the infections contracted through injury from needles could pose deadly risks that are can be avoided if we follow some best practices.

Different Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Life


Date: November 5th, 2019

There are various ways through which you can improve the overall quality of your life. Some of them include these easy to follow steps. 

o   The Stellar Virtues of Meditation

You should consider starting your day by clearing your mind of all negative thoughts and energy. Yoga, meditation, thinking aloud –call it whatever you like – but you should try and clear your mind so that it is perfectly calm. Apart from that, you should always spend a few minutes every morning communing with your own thoughts and getting them in order. You can also use this time to plan all of your day’s activities.

o   Smile Even When You Do Not Feel Like It

The act of smiling has many documented effects on our collective psychology. In fact, different studies consistently show that individuals who smile through the most stressful periods of their lives tend to have a lower heart rate as compared to people who smile less frequently.

Responding to Emergencies: It is Not That Difficult If You Know What to Do


Date: November 1st, 2019

The age-old adage ‘only fools rush in where angels fear to tread’ still holds true today. This is why you should always be well-prepared for any eventuality lest you make an importune mistake. This is because an emergency situation can easily occur even when you are least expecting it.

But if you know what to do, then there is a great chance that you might come out on top and save precious lives in the bargain. Scroll down to read all about responding to emergencies.

o   Panicking Won’t Help

Sometimes, an unexpected emergency can trigger the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response and we completely lose our heads when faced with such a situation. However, it does not always have to be this way.

You can easily control both your physiological and psychological responses. In other words, it is possible to bring down your heartbeat and control your breathing. This, in turn, will give you the ability to look at the situation in an objective manner. Keep in mind that it is tremendously important because only a calm and logical mind can help you put all your CPR and first aid training to good use.

It Is Possible to Regain Your Health Through Your Diet


Date: October 29th, 2019

Today, it is common to find a number of self-declared pundits loudly proclaiming the benefits of fad diets. The ‘onion’ diet, the ‘honey and water’ diet and all other ‘crash dieting’ programs are designed to help us shed all those extra pounds within a few days or weeks at most.

However, they all have one thing in common. They promote the concept of ‘yo-yo’ dieting. This means that once you leave this ‘almost impossible to follow’ diet, you will start binge eating on stuff that will actually pile on the pounds!

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle to Enjoy Life A Whole Lot More


Date: October 25th, 2019

For many people, the phrase ‘healthy lifestyle’ is a synonym for chomping down on endless meals consisting of green leafy vegetables followed by hours of hectic exercise at the local gym.

But it does not always have to be this way. In fact, you can actually enjoy a thoroughly healthy lifestyle  simply by following a few basic tips and pointers:

o   Walk More If You Can

If you walk to work instead of taking your car, you will be able to see some great results pretty soon. There are certain things you can do in order to incorporate some light but healthy exercises in your daily routine