The SGLT2 inhibitors and their dangers

The European Medicine Agency or EMA have asked the health professionals to closely check on the signs of diabetic Ketoacidosis or DKA in patients with type-2 diabetes who were given prescription for SGLT2 inhibitors.  The pills which are available in the UK are available under the names Forxiga, Inyokana, Jardiance to name some were made to lower the levels of glucose in the blood to those with type 2 diabetes. Since the middle part of 2015, there were issues with the SGLT2 inhibitors and their dangers for the possibility of having DKA in those with type 2 diabetes. DKA is a serious health complication that is linked with type 1 diabetes, though it is just short term, it is serious enough to make people alarmed. It is just typical when the glucose in the blood goes up to a very high level.

On the other hand, there was a study that was published in the diabetes care journal that was determined to boost the possibility of DKA with the atypical mild- moderate glucose rise, linked with the use of the SGLT2 inhibitors. In short, these instances with DKA were not linked with the rise in the blood glucose levels, this occurrence is better known as the euglcycemic diabetic ketoacidosis.  The concerns on the safety adjoining the SGLT2 inhibitors provoked the USFDA to release a memo just after the EMA made a study. They have discovered that more than a hundred people are taking SGLT2 inhibitor and most of the have had DKA.

The high risk of KDA

The EMA has revealed their findings wherein they have suggested the doctors to check on some signs of DKA in patients with type 2 diabetes who are using the SGLT2 inhibitors, regardless if they do not have high levels of glucose in their blood. It listed down the signs and elaborate the odds encircling DKA.  Most of the health professionals must be careful in patients with high risk of KDA. They must be informed of the possibilities accompanied by taking the SGLT2 inhibitor. These include the low amount of insulin levels secreting the cells, under certain conditions that limit the food intake or may lead to dehydration, a kind of ailment, alcohol abuse and operation.

On the other hand, the statement released by the researchers pointed out that the advantages of the SGLT2 inhibitors like Forxiga, Jardiance and Invokana outweighed the small odds of DKA. Even if the SGLT2 treatment must be stopped right away if there are some signs of DKA, you must carry on conforming the treatment.  You have to ask your doctor about it and the risk of having DKA. If it is just appropriate to go on with the medication, even if there is a risk involved.