How to reduce your risk for complications associated with psoriasisBesides the usual challenges of psoriasis which include itching, scaly skin and bleeding, this immune disorder may be linked to some other health problems. Some of the conditions linked to it include psoriasis arthritis, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The main reason why people suffering from psoriasis seem to be more vulnerable to other ailments is due to inflammation. Generally, speaking, inflammation is bad for the body. A lot of inflammation usually affects many other systems, which pave way for other conditions to attack the body.

Health risks associated with psoriasis

To ensure that you are well protected, it is essential that you know more about conditions, which could be related to psoriasis, which include:

Psoriasis arthritis: a third of the people suffering from psoriasis also tend to develop psoriasis arthritis as well. This condition usually causes stiffness, joint swelling and pain. This normally happens 10 years after psoriasis has been diagnosed and the inflammation resulting from this disease slowly works its way into the tendons and joints. There are some people who however develop psoriasis arthritis even without developing psoriasis.

Cardiovascular disease: people with severe psoriasis have a 58 percent likelihood of suffering from a major cardiac arrest compared to those without the disease. The risk of getting stroke for psoriasis patients is 43% higher also and the gap is even more for the younger people.

Diabetes: having severe psoriasis increases your risk of getting type 2 diabetes by 46% and those having mild psoriasis have a likely hood of 11 percent. Inflammation may exacerbate insulin resistance in the body.

Mood disorders: about 25 percent of people with psoriasis tend to experience depression. This is mostly caused by the pain, decreased self esteem and anxiety, which are associated with the disease. Severe psoriasis increases the risk for mood disorders by 72 percent.

Cancer: having psoriasis also increases your risk of suffering from other cancers like lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Why the increased risk for cancer still remains   unclear.

Obesity: a psoriasis patient is highly likely to become obese compared to people without the disease.

Kidney disease: both moderate and severe psoriasis increases the risk for getting kidney disease by between 36 and 58 percent.

Peptic ulcers: inflammation that comes with psoriasis increases the risk of the patients getting peptic ulcers.

High cholesterol: people with psoriasis tend to have high levels of low density lipoprotein, triglycerides and total cholesterol.

Minimizing risk for complications associated with psoriasis

Managing inflammation is very important to keep other diseases at bay. Taking psoriasis medications aimed at combating inflammation will help ward off most of these conditions. Preventive strategies are also worthy consideration. For instance, ensure that you go for medical screenings regularly to have the risks tracked, practice healthy lifestyle that involves exercising and eating right and stop smoking. Finally, if you are overweight, ensure that you lose the extra pounds and cut your alcohol consumption.