The effect of the e-cigar ads

Around 7 in 10 students in the middle school are unprotected against the advertisements of e-cigarettes and that can better explain why these e-devices are now among the most famous tobacco product amidst kids according to a report revealed by the U.S health workers. There was a survey conducted and it says that more than 66% of the students from the middle school along with 71% of those in high school have seen 1 e-cigar ads in 2014 alone. This goes to show that around 18M students all over the country have seen the promo in every shop, online shops, and newsstands and in TVs as well.

The money they spent on e-cigars ads went up from $6M to $115M in 2014 alone according to the researchers. In that period of time, the rate of the students in the middle school who said that they have used an e-cigar in the past month went up by 3%, while for high school students, the current e-cigar use went up by 13% just between 2011 & 2014. According to the director of the CDC, the rose in e-cigar might not be a coincidence.  The rising rate of teens using e-cigars are now becoming a hot issue and expects say they are starting to be alarmed by the rising rate.

The similar ad methods used by the tobacco industry in the past to persuade kids to get addicted to nicotine are now being used by the e-cigar manufacturers to persuade the teens. The writers of the new researcher have published a report in the CDCs mortality report stating that cautious connections. The truth is that a lot of kids have seen the advertisements of the e-cigars and that may be a big factor to persuade the teens to use e-cigars.

The survey results

The results of the survey are according to the answers of the 22,000 6th graders through twelve who belong to the public or private schools respectively. More than 55% of the respondents saw the e-cigar ads in some shops, while 40% of which saw the ads on the web, 37% of which said that they saw the ads while watching TV or movies on the web and 30% of which have seen the ads on print ads. Most of the kids have seen the ads in different places, but 22% of which have seen the ads in the methods stated.  The extent of the ads is wider than expected, because it even reaches the kids who weren’t meant to be captured by the ads according to the writers.

Even if the study didn’t make a link directly between the contact and the use of the cigar, the writers said that the universality of the e-cigar marketing messages that has become a threat to the unknown growth in reaching out to kids through tobacco related products. There was a study last year that brought the American Journal of Preventive Medicine to find out how those who have seen the ads on TV were more likely to purchase the product in the succeeding year than those who weren’t able to see the ads.