Online CPR Certification Blog
How Long Can You Do CPR On Someone? Everything You Need To Know
Date: March 12th, 2024
Understanding the Basics
CPR is a life-saving technique used in emergencies where someone’s heartbeat or breathing has stopped. It combines chest compressions with artificial ventilation, aiming to preserve vital brain functions until further measures can restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing.
How Long Can You Do CPR?
Guidelines suggest that if you’re alone, try to administer CPR for at least two minutes before leaving the person to call 911 or get an AED (automated external defibrillator). If there are two rescuers, one can initiate CPR while the other calls for help.
But, is there a limit to how long you can do CPR? Technically, there is no set maximum duration for CPR. The answer largely depends on the situation and the person performing it. As long as there are signs of life or until professional medical assistance arrives, CPR should be continued. However, fatigue can set in, especially if you’re performing CPR solo.
Factors Affecting the Duration
- Condition of the patient: Certain circumstances, like drowning, may warrant a longer duration of CPR before showing signs of life.
- Age of the patient: Younger individuals, especially children, often receive extended efforts compared to older adults.
- Physical endurance of the rescuer: Performing CPR is strenuous. A single rescuer may become exhausted after 20 minutes, while teams can continue for longer.
- Presence of Advanced Life Support: In scenarios where advanced life support is available, like in hospitals, CPR can be continued for more extended periods.
Benefits of longer duration CPR
Longer duration CPR, particularly in specific scenarios, can be the key difference between life and death. Here are five benefits of persisting with CPR for an extended period:
- Increased Chances of Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC): One of the primary objectives of CPR is to achieve ROSC, which is when the heart starts beating on its own again. A longer duration of CPR can increase the likelihood of achieving ROSC, especially in cases where the initial cause of the cardiac arrest is treatable.
- Better Neurological Outcomes: Prolonged CPR ensures that oxygenated blood continues to circulate to vital organs, including the brain. This can prevent significant brain damage and result in better neurological outcomes for the patient.
- Extended Window for Advanced Interventions: In some cases, advanced medical interventions or procedures may be required to treat the underlying cause of the cardiac arrest. Longer duration CPR provides a vital window of time for these treatments to be initiated and take effect.

Image alt text: longer duration CPR and why it is important.
Author credit: By Spc. James Wilton –, Public Domain,
- Improved Survival Rates in Certain Scenarios: Some situations, like hypothermic cardiac arrest (when the body is very cold) or drug overdoses, might require extended CPR before seeing positive outcomes. In these cases, prolonged resuscitation efforts have been linked to higher survival rates.
- Emotional and Ethical Implications: From a non-medical perspective, committing to extended CPR can offer solace to family members and loved ones, knowing that every possible effort was made to save the individual. It can also provide clarity for medical professionals in making decisions about when to cease resuscitation efforts.
Remember, while longer duration CPR has its benefits, it’s always essential to consider the specific circumstances of the cardiac arrest, any potential directives from the patient, and the presence (or lack) of signs of life during resuscitation.
Commonly Asked Questions
- Is there a harm in doing CPR for too long?
While extended CPR can lead to injuries like rib fractures, the primary concern is the lack of oxygen to the brain. However, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and continue CPR rather than stopping prematurely.
- What if I’m not sure about the quality of my compressions?
It’s essential to provide high-quality chest compressions. But, doing something is better than nothing. Don’t let the fear of imperfection deter you; every effort counts.
- How long can you do CPR without causing damage to the person’s chest?
Minor injuries like rib fractures or bruises may occur, but the benefits of CPR far outweigh the risks. Focus on saving a life.
- Is there a way to make CPR less tiring?
Technique matters. Using your body weight and positioning your hands correctly can reduce fatigue. Switching with another rescuer, if possible, also helps.
- What if the person shows signs of life while I’m doing CPR?
If they start breathing or show other signs of life, stop the compressions and place them in the recovery position.
Understanding “how long can you do CPR” is more than just knowing a timeframe—it’s about assessing the situation, the patient, and your own capabilities. In emergencies, every second counts, and your actions can make a significant difference.
While it’s crucial to prioritize high-quality compressions and timely intervention, remember that every effort to save a life is commendable. Equip yourself with knowledge, and don’t hesitate to act; your CPR might just be the bridge between life and death for someone in need.