The positive results from the research study, which compared findings conducted back in 2009 from those of 2000, were associated with improved resuscitation methods. While in the past even after successful CPR, heart attack victims would suffer from risk of brain impairment, it is foreseen that better resuscitation techniques have improved this and thus those children are similarly out of such dangers.  For this reason, it is important to explore what the research study had to offer.

About the research study

The research, which was conducted by examining more than one thousand children that suffered from heart conditions from  a list of 12 teaching hospitals in the urban US, it was revealed from the study that the number of children who had survived the ordeal after hospital release had increased up to three times from 2000-2009 respectively. The increase was rated at a percentage of 14-43. This study found its way into the media after having been published on the December 18 issue of Circulation, which is a journal that deals with Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

The findings from the research study

According to an excerpt news release from the journal, it was reported that survival in children who had been associated with cardiac arrest after the study within the hospital had increased to a near threefold over the past decade. The excerpt was a quote from the lead author Dr. Saket Girotra, from the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, and as an internationally approved cardiologist, added that most of those who survived were without any serious neurological disability.

Although the entire improved can be associated with the resuscitation improved methods, it was further added that the positive results were further linked to the better care offered after the heart was successfully restarted. The survival rates during the resuscitation had risen from nearly 43% in 2000 but as of 2009, this percentage had gone up to 81% meaning that better care had played its role in the course of improvement and fighting uncalled for deaths.

Although the study was on the frontline to provide clear information on the percentage increase and the role of better resuscitation and caring methods after reviving heart attack victims, the study did not showcase the actual reasons  towards the improved survival rates, although Girotra added that it may have been as a result of combined factors such as earlier recognition of the condition thus working hard to avert the outcomes by the use of modern technology such as the improved monitoring systems.

All these can further be linked to high quality chest compressions, timely defibrillation, and appropriate use of the right medicines to treat cardiac arrest. With addition to optimal care for the resuscitated victims, the cardiologist had every reason to commend the importance of unrelenting efforts to enhance quality CPR after uncalled for cardiac.