Chest compression techniques can also help pets

Janet Rosenberg, a resident of Santa Cruz Country where she works as a real estate broker, saved her dog by using the chest compressions technique and breathing into her dog’s nose. This helped in bringing the animal back to life which was at the brink of death by the time. Rosenberg said that when she saw her Italian greyhound, Pearl, hanging on a tether by the neck, she ran to the car screaming. She had intended that the tender would help in securing her dog friend in the car.

A month later from the incident, Pearl now enjoys a normal life again of frolicking at the large backyard of their home. On the other hand Rosenberg is on a campaign of letting everyone know that CPR can save pets just as it can save humans.

Rosenberg always has her dog in her car and uses a strap that is specifically designed for hooking dogs in existing seat belts. On May 15 at around noon when a client was taking a tour of the house, Rosenberg decided to duck out and check on how Pear was fairing. Sadly, she was shocked to see her pet hanging lifelessly from the car window. Having worked in a hospital previously, Rosenberg had taken some training on CPR and she knew exactly what she needed to do.

How to perform CPR on a dog

Rosenberg first unhooked her dog from the strap meant to harness it and she put her at the car’s back seat where she started performing mouth to mouth breathing technique, as she covered the dog’s mouth and nose with hers. She said that she stopped severally and she sometimes thought that she had lost her. But eventually, she Pearl started to pant as her legs started twitching and she knew that she was out of danger. She then put her dog at front seat and she rushed her to the nearest veterinary hospital in Soquel as she continued the compressions.

Upon reaching the Soquel Animal Hospital, she noticed that Pearl had her eyes pointed in the opposite direction. However, the important thing was that the CPR technique was a real success. According to Veterinary Information Network, Pearl was lucky considering that most of CPR performed on pets including dogs is highly unsuccessful. Rosenberg said that she was convinced that the veterinary would soon come back to her saying that her pet had died. However, after some follow- ups in another emergency animal veterinary clinic, Pearl was finally released by veterinarians and after some few days, she was acting normal. Pearl’s routine veterinarian, Jennifer Condreay examined the dog for eye injuries and brain damage and said that if Rosenberg hadn’t informed her about it, she would probably not have known. Pearly has now recovered fully and the incident is just a history in her life.