Online CPR Certification Blog
When Should You Stop Performing CPR on a Victim?
Date: November 16th, 2018
Compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should continue until the victim is fully revived. Ideally, you should not stop CPR until the victim revives.
However, there are certain situations in which giving further compressions is futile.
Here, we will take a look at situations where you should stop giving CPR to a heart attack victim.
1. Notice Signs of Life
You should stop giving CPR to a victim if you experience signs of life. If the patient opens their eyes, makes a movement, sound, or starts breathing, you should stop giving compression. However, when you stop and the patient becomes uncurious again, you should resume CPR.
2. Fatigue
Everyone can perform CPR up to a limit. How long you can sustain giving compressions depends on your physical endurance. Some people feel exhausted after ten minutes while others can continue for up to two hours.
If you feel exhausted after performing CPR and can no longer continue due to fatigue, you can stop giving compressions. If you are not a medical professional, you will not be held liable for not assisting a victim in need in this situation. However, you should not leave the victim unattended and wait for the medical professional to arrive otherwise, you will be found guilty of abandonment.
3. Another CPR Specialist Take Over
If two people are performing CPR, you must switch after about ten minutes of performing CPR. The two people should continue to perform CPR until the patient revives. Switching after a certain period will allow giving CPR for longer periods.
4. Life in Danger
Remember that your life is the number one priority in case of an emergency. You should stop performing CPR in case it’s no longer safe to perform the technique. Dangerous situations where you should stop performing CPR include fire, electrical lines, or shootout nearby. In such cases, you should wait for the paramedics to arrive and give medical assistance to the patient.
5. Patients with Terminal Illnesses
If after you start giving CPR, someone tells you that the patient suffers from a terminal illness such as cancer, you should consider stopping. Usually, patients with terminal illnesses don’t revive after a cardiac arrest. If they do, many will experiment severe brain damage due to which they may have to live on a breathing machine. Also, you should stop giving CPR if you find out that the patient has signed an order that no one should revive in case of a cardiac arrest. You can end up in legal trouble in such a situation.
CPR is an invaluable skill that can help save lives of victims. Taking CPR training classes online will allow you to conveniently learn about the technique. CPR online classes are the only option for busy professionals who can’t sacrifice their time to attend a physical class. You can take the class at any time that seems convenient.