Human life is very unpredictable. Hence, you should be ready to handle life-threatening situations at all times. In fact, knowing how to react during an emergency can help you prevent accidents and even deaths. According to CDC, around 900,000 Americans die prematurely because of the common causes of death, but around 40% of these cases could be prevented.

With such statistics, knowing symptoms becomes necessary to save a life.

Signs of an Emergency

Some of the dangerous conditions with observable symptoms are:

Heart Attack

Did you know that around 735,000 American citizens suffer from a heart attack annually? A heart attack happens when the heart becomes damaged or its arteries get blocked. Most heart attack related deaths are preventable if the symptoms are analyzed on time.

If you know the symptoms of a heart attack, then it is possible to save a person from life ending attacks. These symptoms are:

  • The person feels anxious, heavy hearted and sweats profusely
  • The person’s arms feel locked while their jaw feels tight
  • The person suffers from severe chest pains that last more than 3 minutes.
  • A feeling of pain spreads through the person’s stomach
  • The person’s face and skin turn pale and grey
  • The person suffers from fatigue and light headedness
  • The person may throw up, vomit or may feel extreme nausea

It is important to rush the person to the emergency room as soon as the first symptoms are noted. One of the best ways of responding to emergencies of this nature is to keep an Aspirin with you at all times.  Give the sufferer the Aspirin and make sure they chew it completely as that helps to prevent blood clotting and lowers the risk of the attack.

Trouble Breathing

There are many causes of shortness of breath such as asthma, allergy attacks, hyperventilation and more. Whatever the cause, the symptoms are very similar which are:

  • The sufferer’s face looses color and they become pale while their lips turn blue
  • The person may feel lightheaded, unsteady and dizzy
  • The person will complain of pain in the chest or a feeling of tightness in the chest.
  • Sufferer may wheeze, choke, gasp or gurgle
  • The person will feel like they are not getting enough air and will gasp for more.
  • The person will start taking shallow breaths or dramatically deep breaths.
  • The person’s skin will turn cold and sweaty
  • The person may feel anxious, uneasiness, and dread.

Rush the person to emergency or call for help if you notice the above-mentioned signs in a person. Make the sufferer rest in a sitting position until help arrives because breathing in a sitting position is easier.


A stroke affects the facial and body movements of a person. A quick response can save the sufferer from more complicated problems. If you believe someone near you is having a stroke, look for these signs to confirm:

  • Face seems droopy from one side. In severe cases, the person may start drooling as well
  •  Trouble keeping arms elevated at the same height— one falls more downwards
  • Slurred and slow speech
  • Severe headaches or dizziness.
  • Trouble seeing
  • Difficulty maintaining balance

One of the best ways of responding to emergencies of this kind is to call for professional help. Getting professional help is important because if the stroke progresses, it can lead to brain damage. Hence, rush the sufferer to a hospital immediately or call for medical assistance.


Knowing the right symptoms of heart attack, stroke, etc., can help you respond to emergencies in time. and save lives.