The age-old adage ‘only fools rush in where angels fear to tread’ still holds true today. This is why you should always be well-prepared for any eventuality lest you make an importune mistake. This is because an emergency situation can easily occur even when you are least expecting it.

But if you know what to do, then there is a great chance that you might come out on top and save precious lives in the bargain. Scroll down to read all about responding to emergencies.

o   Panicking Won’t Help

Sometimes, an unexpected emergency can trigger the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response and we completely lose our heads when faced with such a situation. However, it does not always have to be this way.

You can easily control both your physiological and psychological responses. In other words, it is possible to bring down your heartbeat and control your breathing. This, in turn, will give you the ability to look at the situation in an objective manner. Keep in mind that it is tremendously important because only a calm and logical mind can help you put all your CPR and first aid training to good use.

o   Make Sure That the Victim’s Apparel Is Not Constricting them In Any Way

If an injured person seems to be choking on his tie, shirt, scarf, etc. you should immediately get rid of such clothing items so that they can breathe normally.

o   Check the Victim for Internal and External Injuries 

It is easy to see if the person is bleeding heavily. If this is the case, you have to stem the blood flow as soon as possible. Many people lose their lives because of blood loss even for treatable wounds. If a limb is injured, you might need to apply a tourniquet with a soft and clean cloth. This is important because it will pinch the blood vessels and thereby prevent blood from gushing out of an open wound.

o   Check for Signs of Internal Injuries 

Internal bleeding is not easy to identify. However, large bruises are a telltale sign that the victim is bleeding internally.

On the other hand, a person who is suffering from a bone fracture will be in excruciating pain. The affected limb should not be moved. If possible, try and arrange a splint to keep the injured area in place. Any extra movement can lead to the grating of broken bones against both tissue and other bones. This can easily aggravate the injury.

o   Conclusion

In light of the above discussion, it can be seen that responding to emergencies is not as difficult as it may seem. If you don’t panic and have a working knowledge of both CPR and basic first aid, you can be of great service to the victims when the time comes. Remember, it always pays off to be prepared before an emergency arise!