what are the pros and cons of administering CPR

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is administered to a person whose heart stops to beat. The administration aims at restarting the heartbeat of the person and ensures continuity of life

Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation has the following pros and cons:

What are the pros of administering CPR

Saving lives

CPR is the initial measure in saving a life.

When the heartbeat fails, our thoughts shift to death. We become so scared at the mention of heartbeat failure. Panic props in and hope start to fade. Fear takes the better part of us!

Administering CPR enables the heart to acquire more oxygen that aids its restarting. The acquisition of oxygen, through CPR processes, supports a person to start to breathe. This way, a life gets saved.

Whenever the heartbeat fails to start, a life is lost!

Increases survival rates

Administering CPR increases a victim’s chances of survival. While it does not offer an improvement or treatment to the illnesses that cause the failure, CPR can take the patient back to the normal condition.

In so doing, it creates time for invitation and arrival of doctors and nurses to continue with further treatments.

Studies have shown that victims are more likely than not to survive when they undertake CPR at 40%. It is also important that people take free CPR training to equip themselves with the requisite skills in handling cases of heartbeat failure.

Lowers damages

CPR lowers the damages by initiating the flow of the blood in the body. The flow of blood in the body keeps the body in the right state and enables the brain to function well. When there is a failure in the transfer of impulses, it is likely that a few body organs can be damaged.

Also, life ends when the flow of blood stops.

Lowering the damages also helps to reduce the treatment expenses and increases the chances of recovering.

Enables preparations for treatment

CPR does not treat any cause of the heartbeat failure. However, it gives doctors and nurses an opportunity to make preparations for advanced assessment and treatment.

Once a victim regains the normal state, the doctors or nurses get an opportunity to collect information from him or her and make informed decisions. The report from the victim is essential in making preparation and executing treatment.

What are the Cons of administering CPR

Might cause broken ribs

Administering CPR requires about 125 pound of pressure- an amount that is much enough to break bones.  The up and down pushing of the chest in the course of the exercise might lead to broken ribs.

People with brittle bones are more likely to suffer broken ribs than others. Broken ribs inflict pain in the patient and hamper the healing process.

Broken ribs also cause internal bleeding in the body.

Might cause internal bleedings

Internal bleedings might result from broken ribs or damages and the injuries caused on other organs in the body in the process ofadministering CPR. Apart from the pains, internal bleedings are likely to cause more health complications in the body.

CPR training offers people an opportunity to gain information about the CPR process, leading to minimal chances of causing internal bleeding in a victim.

Brain damage and Stroke

Forced supply of oxygen in the body can result in an inconsistent amount of impulses to the brain leading to brain damage. Also, the irregular flow of blood to the brain and in the veins is likely to cause stroke.

Because of technology, I can comfortably access CPR training near me and acquire new information on how to effectively manage the victims and avoid these damages.

Causes lung contusions

The force with which CPR is done can cause injuries to the lungs. The injuries are known as contusions and are often painful.

While lung contusions can recover on their own, they are sometimes fatal.

In some cases, studies show that lung contusions can lead to breathing difficulties and a victim’s admission into an Intensive Care Unit for specialized attention. Also, the victims might require mechanical apparatus that support breathing.

Spread of Disease

Resuscitation through mouth-to-mouth can easily contribute to the spread of diseases and other infections. Both the person undertaking the exercise and the victim are at risk of contracting diseases or infections from one another.

It is important that the mouth-to-mouth CPR be avoided for the safety of all the involved parties.

Thank you for taking the time to read our content. Be sure to let us know if you’re interested in getting certified with an online CPR certification.