The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.           

American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc.®

Online CPR Certification Blog

Is It Better to Drop a Class or Fail? Making the Right Academic Decision


Date: March 12th, 2024

At some point, every student has a difficult course. Struggling in a class can be attributed to various reasons including the difficulty of the material, a heavy workload, or personal complications. When faced with this situation, a common dilemma arises: Should one drop a class or fail? 

This issue is thoroughly examined in this guide with helpful recommendations for making a decision that is crucial to your success as a student.

How to Stop Venous Bleeding? A Comprehensive Guide


Date: March 12th, 2024

What is Venous Bleeding?

Veins are the blood vessels responsible for bringing deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Venous bleeding is when these vessels get ruptured. As mentioned earlier, the blood is darker, and the flow is steady compared to arterial bleeding.

Identifying Reading Problems in Children: A Comprehensive Guide


Date: March 12th, 2024

Literacy involves reading which provides a basis for a successful learning life of a child and his/her academic performance. While not all children acquire reading skills at the same pace, some may find it hard. It is important to identify reading problems early in children so they can be given the appropriate support and interventions. 

This comprehensive guide takes us through a journey of how reading issues can be detected and ways in which children can be helped.

How to Perform Hands-Only CPR?


Date: March 12th, 2024

Hands-Only CPR Explained

Hands-only CPR is a method of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) that involves chest compressions without the inclusion of rescue breaths (mouth-to-mouth ventilation). It is a simplified form of CPR that can be performed by bystanders who witness an adult or teenager suddenly collapse in an “out-of-hospital” setting.

How to Become a Certified CPR Instructor: A Comprehensive Guide


Date: March 12th, 2024

Who is a CPR instructor?

A CPR instructor is a certified professional trained to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques to others. Their role encompasses educating individuals, both laypeople and healthcare providers, on the proper methods to perform CPR during emergencies, such as when someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest.

How to Pick a Homeschool Curriculum: A Comprehensive Guide


Date: March 12th, 2024

The right homeschool curriculum can make or break a homeschooling family. The choice of curriculum will be very crucial for your child’s education and in general homeschooling. That is a tough decision because it calls for meticulous analysis of options since all of them cannot be implemented. 

This exhaustive guide will help you pick the best home schooling curriculum for your case and that of your family’s uniqueness.

How Long Can You Do CPR On Someone? Everything You Need To Know


Date: March 12th, 2024

Understanding the Basics

CPR is a life-saving technique used in emergencies where someone’s heartbeat or breathing has stopped. It combines chest compressions with artificial ventilation, aiming to preserve vital brain functions until further measures can restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing.

How Do You Clean Up Bloodborne Pathogens?


Date: March 12th, 2024

Understanding Blood borne Pathogens

These pathogens are primarily spread through direct contact with infected blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM), such as semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, and any fluid that is visibly contaminated with blood.

Accidental exposure can happen through needle sticks, cuts from sharp objects, or contact between broken skin and infected blood. Thus, the need to clean and sanitize exposed areas becomes imperative.

How Do I Know if I’m Having a Stroke or Heart Attack? Understanding the Differences


Date: March 12th, 2024

Stroke vs. Heart Attack

Both strokes and heart attacks are caused by interruptions in the flow of blood to vital organs: the brain for strokes, and the heart for heart attacks. However, their symptoms, causes, and immediate treatments can differ significantly.

How Can CPR Help During Sports? The Lifesaving Role of CPR in Athletics


Date: March 12th, 2024

The Unpredicted Moments

Picture this: a player collapses in the middle of a game. Their heart isn’t beating, and their breathing is non-existent. It’s a scenario no one wants to imagine, but one for which everyone should be prepared.

This is the moment when knowing how CPR can help during sports is paramount.