Thousands of people suffer from cardiac arrest every year. The condition occurs due to an underlying heart disorder. Patients suffering from the condition must be provided with immediate medical attention. This is important to avoid serious damage to the body that may result in permanent disability, or even death.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can double the chances of a person surviving a heart attack. The technique ensures that oxygen is provided to critical parts of the body, particularly the brain. Unless a bystander provides immediate CPR, a person who suffers from a heart attack can die within minutes of a heart attack.

A lot of people misunderstand CPR. In this article, we will answer important questions so that you don’t have any confusion and doubt regarding the lifesaving skill.

Q. 1. When Should CPR be Performed?

CPR should not be performed in every situation. You should perform CPR only if the person who has suffered from a heart attack shows no sign of breathing. The basic purpose of CPR is to ensure that oxygen keeps circulating inside the body.

In case of a mild heart attack, the breathing of a person generally does not stop. In such a situation, you should call an emergency number without doing anything. You should perform CPR only if you see that the person is not breathing properly, or gasping for breath.

Q.2. Is Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation Necessary?

Many people don’t take steps to learn about CPR as they think that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is necessary. The fact is that mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is not important when performing CPR.

In fact, studies have found that mouth-to-mouth “rescue breathing” does not improve the survival rate of heart attack victims. Hands-only CPR is enough to ensure that oxygen keeps circulating inside the body. So, you should not shy away from learning the lifesaving skills if the idea of locking lips with a stranger makes you feel uneasy.

Q.3. Can I Crack a Rib when Performing CPR?

Rib fractures are common in case of CPR. Some studies suggest that about 30 percent of heart attack victims who receive CPR end up with fractured ribs. This happens more commonly in senior individuals and children since their bones are brittle. However, keep in mind that even though the chances of broken ribs exist, the survival rate is high and you could be saving someone’s life.

Q. 4. Can I get Sued for Injuring Someone after I Perform CPR?

Thematically, you can be sued for actions that result in serious injuries. However, the Good Samaritan laws protect individuals who acted in good faith in case of an emergency. So, you should not worry about facing legal repercussions due to performing CPR during an emergency. In fact, some states impose fines on bystanders who fail to offer timely assistance to a victim.

Q.5. Does CPR Always Save a Life?

Remember, that performing CPR increases the chances of a person surviving a heart attack. However, in some instances, the technique is not successful. There are different factors that determine whether a heart attack victim will survive. You should keep this fact in mind when performing CPR.

You can learn about CPR by enrolling in a CPR certification online. Taking online classes is both convenient and cost-effective. Learning about the life-saving skill will help you fulfill your responsibility of being a responsible citizen.