When someone experiences a heart attack, various symptoms can be observed which among others include:

  1. Feeling of uncomfortable pressure, squeezing pain or fullness particularly at the middle part of the chest.
  2. Great pain or discomfort that spreads down the shoulders from the chest and could also extend to the arms, jaw, teeth and neck as well as in the upper abdomen.
  3. Breath shortness
  4. Fainting, lightheadedness and fainting
  5. Nausea
  6. Sweating

Generally, a heart attack is usually characterized by chest pain which could last for as many as 15 minutes. However, there are times when the attack might not present any symptoms. Before a heart attack is actually experienced, chances are high that you will receive some signs well in advance perhaps weeks, days or hours before it happens.

How to address cases of heart attack

The worst thing that you can possibly do is toughing out or ignoring heart attack symptoms for more than 5 minutes. In case you have no access to an emergency medical service, ask your friend or neighbor to take you to a nearby health care center. Driving yourself should be done only if you have no other option as it can be dangerous not just for you but to other people as swell.

An aspirin can help

When a heart attack takes, you can get a lot of relief by swallowing an aspirin after chewing. You should only avoid taking an aspiring if you have an allergy or has been advised against it by your doctor. Seeking emergency help first should be the first thing that you do.

If prescribed, take nitroglycerin

In case you suspect that a heart attack is almost catching up with you and your doctor had given some nitroglycerin, ensure that you take it right away but as your doctor had directed you. Taking another person’s nitroglycerin is something you should avoid as it can expose you to more danger.

For unconscious person, start CPR

If the heart attack patient is unconscious, it is important that CPR is started right away in order to enhance the chances of the patient surviving. The 911 dispatcher will in most cases advise you to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In case you have no training in CPR, it is recommended that you don’t do mouth to mouth resuscitation and only do chest compressions.

Use an AEC- automated external defibrillator

Retrieve the device and set it up and start conducting CPR on the patient if he or she is unconscious. Make sure that you attach the device appropriately as advised after following the instructions. This will most likely boost the chances of the person surviving the heart attack.

Following these first aid instructions is something of paramount importance as it will really help in boosting the patient’s chances of surviving the ordeal.