The 2nd annual consumer genetics conference will discuss more about consumer geneticsHot questions about consumer genetics

After a consumer has ordered a DTC genetic test, how can they interpret results obtained of there is no genetic counselor or doctor to guide them? Are guidelines really necessary? Are patients able to outsmart their genetics and possibly minimize manifestation of a disease by taking advantage of early disease management? Are patients going to be able to take full charge of the destiny of their disease? And why is the personalized medicine still not yet mainstream and what has been delaying it from progressing and being implemented? Is it practice, technology, reinsurance reimbursement, cost or something else?

How has resources and technology promoted initially by Human Genome Project contributed to having any significant impact on the biological research, clinical practice and diagnostic testing. And which are the latest technology sequencing developments and which advantages have they been offering?

All these issues highlighted here will be addressed in depth at the highly awaited 2nd Annual Consumer Genetics Conference that will take place from June 2- 4 in Boston at Hynes Convention Center. Leaders with expertise in different areas are going to pour out their perspectives on the highly crucial topics that have been shaping the way clinical medicine has been approached and will help in improvement of patient outcomes. Nowadays, as consumer genetics continues to become a reality and the ready availability of DTC genetic tests, there is need for a productive exchange that will improve the collaboration between this emerging industry and scientific, academic and medical community.

The panel participating at the annual Consumer Genetics Conference is going to represent their viewpoints and allow lively discussion on different aspects and perspectives of consumer genetics.

The highlights of the program

The conference opening keynote on Consumer Genetics titled: ‘Where Are We, What is Needed’ will be delivered by George Church who is a renowned professor of Genetics and American Molecular geneticist at Harvard Medical School.

The founder of the Ignite Institute, Dietrich Stephen, an institute which will serve as a personalized health care epicenter will be speaking on discovery and utility of the biomarkers which will in the long run make personalized healthcare and consumer genetic products a reality.

Author and physician Brandon Colby will speak on how genomics have been used in medical practices. ‘Outsmart Your Genes’ his latest book is available now in stores. This is the first book of its kind on genetic testing & predicative medicine that separates facts from the myths.

The CEO and president of ON-Q-ity diagnostic firm, Mara Aspinall will be discussing on how new diagnostics advancements might affect cancer care.

There will also be a session that will feature Michael Philips, the Scientific Director of University of Montreal Pharmacogenomics Center, Professor Michael Synder, who will examine the clinical significance of biomarkers.