Weight loos has many health benefits

According to the researchers, from the results which they got from their study when obese grownups with atrial fibrillation (a-fib) shed off at least 10% of their starting weight, most of them saw the course of their condition reverse. During this period, more than a half of them become a-fib-free.

Experts claimed that the study findings by the researchers underscore the sustained weight loss value for the obese a-fib patient.

Enormous health benefits from weight loss

Dr.  Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy, a cardiologist who specializes in treating heart arrhythmias said that the fact that the dramatic change of as little as 10 percent weight loss result is very impressive, it can have very amazing benefits.

Dr. Dhanunjaya, who did not take part in the study, is currently the chairman-elect of the American College of Cardiology’s electrophysiology section.

He also explained that weight loss is something very critical as far as human health is concerned. This is because there are many factors that are fed by obesity, and those factors contribute to atrial fibrillation, which includes the night time breathing disorder, sleep apnea, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

“So, if your target is the root cause, then it is possible for you to address the issue in one shot” said Dr. Dhanunjaya.

In the past research, it was shown that weight loss can ease a-fib symptoms and keep episodes from recurring.

But according to the new study, it is also possible for the weight loss to reverse the course of the disease. This is according to the researchers from Australia, led by Melissa Middeldorp from the University of Adelaide.

As per the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the effect of atrial fibrillation is felt anywhere from 3 million to 6 million Americans. It normally arises when the upper chambers of the heart beat erratically instead of maintaining its normal and steady rhythm. Though it is not immediately life-threatening, if this problem persists over a long period of time, it can result into stroke or even heart failure.

Scope of the study

The new findings which were published recently in the journal Europace were based on about 355 obese a-fib patients. These patients were offered a weight-loss program. The program also did not exclude individualized diet and lifestyle advice.

But generally, patients cut down on processed, high- carbohydrate foods and calories. The participants also started exercising: To start with, they took on low-intensity activity three or four times weekly, followed by building toward sessions of moderate exercise, e.g. brisk walking, and the goal was 30 minutes per day or 200 minutes per week.

They were also helped with managing all their risk factors of a-fib which included getting down their blood sugar levels, monitoring their blood pressure and treating sleep apnea.

People who had managed to lose at least 10% of their weight were fairing best. This was four years later according to the study.