Top Sex Toy Safety Tips to consider
Sex toy lovers will tell you that a session without their favorite tools is dry and boring. This may seem like an overstatement, especially if you and your partner have never invited these non-living sex partners to your sexual activities.
These tools come in different designs, sizes, colors, and materials to serve different arousal or penetrative roles before you finally get down to real business.
Some sex toy fanatics don’t ditch their equipment after foreplay; instead, they leverage the help of these tools throughout a session.
But how safe are these much-praised gadgets? Are there any sex toy safety considerations?
A common concern is whether sexually transmitted infections can be contracted through sex equipment. Secondly, these tools may contain harmful chemicals. And lastly, uncontrolled usage can lead to injuries and pain during and after sex.

Well, whether you use these for a solo play or share them with a partner, this article will answer some of the questions that linger in your mind.
Sex Toy Safety Tips: A Complete Guide
Sex toys remain a controversial topic with proponents praising it as the holy grail of sex and opposers focusing on their dangers.
But like any other product out there, sex toys have their pros and cons–which you must understand upfront if you choose to use them.
Following some best practices ensures you enjoy toy sex without any future repercussions. Still, it’s important to understand that all sex toys are not equal. Though some are genuinely safe, others are knock-off products built to exploit innocent customers.
Below are the safety consideration for using sex toys:

  • Learn your gadgets

Sex toys are tricky products because they are not regulated by the government. This lack of control means there are plenty of bad players using potentially dangerous materials on sex toys.
For instance, the public is increasingly concerned about phthalates– a chemical plastic softener use in sex gadgets.
Some studies show prolonged exposure to such substances may lead to cancer and compromise the users’ reproductive health. Phthalates have been found to affect the liver and testes, according to EPA findings.
Though no watchdog tests sex toys to verify that the products are indeed free of phthalate, this is perhaps the best place to begin. When shopping for gadgets check their packaging for substances like jelly rubber, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and vinyl which are common warning signs of phthalates.
Also, watch out for any flexible gadgets that feel jelly-like because this may be a sign of phthalates.

  • Be gentle and careful

Whether you prefer rough sex or love to slow down the tempo, it’s important to be gentle with sex toys.
Though most of these tools are built with safety in mind, you want to take extra care to ensure they do not cause physical harm.
Always watch out for yourself and your partner. Ask them if they are comfortable with the tool and don’t get swept away by the thrill. Also, avoid any potentially harmful positions and toys.
Other sex toy safety considerations include:

  • Do not use damaged sex toys as these could increase the likelihood of injury
  • Avoid sex toys that you have never used before as some can be potentially dangerous
  • Discuss with your partner the gadgets to use before starting a session

Lastly, be careful when using electricity-powered gadgets like vibrators. While most are safe for use, you still want to confirm if your gadget is in good working condition before a session.

  • Check for porousness

The toy’s porousness is factor number two. Though porosity is not always a sign of phthalates, it shows that the tool can hide bacteria in its pores
The problem with such sex toys is that it’s difficult to sanitize them completely. But this doesn’t mean you must ditch them completely. Alternatively, you can wrap your porous toy with a condom during sex to keep it clean all the time.
Remember, silicone products are the safest, yet their price tag is higher compared to other toys.

  • Do not create make-shift toys

In the absence of toys, do not experiment with your home equipment because most are not as safe as sex toys. Using household equipment is dangerous because;

  • They may contain harmful chemicals
  • They are not as gentle and flexible on your reproductive system as sex toys
  • The item may not be clean

Though sex is all about exploring your weirdest imaginations, it’s safer to avoid situations that expose you to extreme danger.

  • Shop from reputable brands

Due to the lack of control, there are plenty of bad players manufacturing poor quality products and marketing them with deceptive language. These products are meant to lure unsuspecting shoppers like you.
Most of these brands are concerned about your safety and wellness, all they care about is profits. Shop from companies with a clear intent to produce quality and safe sex toys.
To vet brands, visit their official websites to learn more about them. Also, before buying a product, check out reviews from other users to discover potential flaws.

  • Common FAQs about Sex Toy Safety

Below are some of the safety considerations for sex toy users.

  • Can the use of sex toys lead to STIs?
  • Can I share my sex equipment with a sex partner?
  • How do I clean my sex toys to avoid contracting sexually transmitted infections?
  • Can I get re-infected by sex equipment?
  • Should I get tested after using sex equipment?

This post breaks down everything so that you can learn the possible dangers of using sex toys and how to stay safe.

  • Can I Get Sexually Transmitted Diseases from Sex Toys?

Spoiler alert; you can contract both bacterial and viral infections through the use of sex tools.
But that is not to say anyone who uses these tools is at the risk of infection. Many other factors come into play to increase the possibility of contracting an STI.
For example, the chance of getting an infection depends on whether you insert a tool into your sexual organ or touch it.
Other habits, such as sharing your sex toy or poor equipment hygiene, may also heighten your risks of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Bodily fluids and other materials can remain in your toy. These fluids could carry infections if used on the private parts, anal cavity, or mouth.
But sometimes even keeping your toys clean may not protect you because different materials require different methods of cleaning, while some cannot be well sanitized.
So you may need to add an extra layer of protection such as using your sex equipment with condoms.
Because many sexually transmitted infections can enter the body through sex tools and reside in the body without showing symptoms for months, or even years; it is important to get tested regularly.

  • Can I share My Sex Equipment?

Generally, sharing sex equipment is a grave sex toy safety mistake because it exposes you to your partner’s body fluids.
But you can share your tools only with a trusted partner whom you know their status.
And while some may say; “I can always clean it and pass it on to a partner,” it’s not always easy to tell whether the cleaning or sanitizing you do has killed all the pathogens that could cause infection, if any.
Plus, it can be tempting to share a tool more so when toy play hits a crescendo. And of course, you won’t have time to clean and wait for more than 24 hrs to have it ready for your mate. That’s why each partner should carry their own equipment.
That way, you won’t need to pass over a tool to a partner.

  • How do I Clean My Sex Toys?

Maintaining sex equipment hygiene can help prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Clean your toys after each session, and keep them away for 24 hours to ensure all pathogens and die.
Equipment with pores can be difficult to sanitize. Body fluids and infections can hide in these pores for long even after cleaning so you want to be thorough with these (or avoid them).
Toys that lack pores, such as those made of silicone, metal, and glass, are easier to clean and pose a lesser risk of STI transmission.
You can sanitize these by dipping in boiling water and wiping them dry. But that may not kill all the bacteria, so you must keep away your tools for a day to kill all the bacteria.
It is recommendable to follow the toy manufacturer’s safety guidelines. These instructions can ensure you clean your equipment the best way possible.
It is also advisable to clean your tool before using it. No matter how carefully you cleaned it, it might have picked some dirt around.

  • Can a Sex Toy Re-Infect Me?

Maybe you’ve been using a sex toy and get diagnosed with a curable sexually transmitted disease. You manage to treat the disease, but is it safe to use the same equipment, or can you get re-infected?
Well, your sex toy can re-infect you, but the chances are minimal because bacteria can’t survive for long outside the body.
That means you can always use your tool as long as you keep these clean and sanitized after every session.
It also takes some time to treat an STI. The symptoms may be severe, which means you may have to avoid sex and your tool for some time; yet bacteria can survive too long outside the body.

  • Should I Get Tested After Using a Sex Toy?

You do not need to take a test after each sex toy session, but it is an excellent idea to screen if you shared a toy with someone you don’t know their status.
Because it is possible to contract an infection from someone else, it helps to visit a doctor and get tested for any sexually transmitted infections.
Generally, we should get tested after each new sex experience, whether we use equipment or not. Knowing your status can help you start early medication, treat treatable conditions, and control those that can be cured.
But most of us don’t like to make these visits because of the stigma surrounding sexually transmitted infections. People fear getting tested and testing positive for STDs.
But some conditions worsen with time, so if you can’t visit a health facility then try DIY STD testing kits that you can purchase over the counter or order online and have these delivered to you.

  • Sex Toy Safety: How to Reduce STI infection Risks

This is what you can do to stay safe whether you use sex toys or not.

  • When engaging in oral to vaginal or oral to anal contact is good if you use barriers which include; dental dams and saran wraps.
  • Use gloves for hand sex.
  • Wash hands before and after sex.
  • Clean sex toys before and after use.
  • Put condoms on sex toys and change them if with multiple partners.
  • Engage your partner in conversation about safer sex before engaging with them.
  • Do STD screening often especially if you have multiple sexual partners.
  • Use barriers correctly and always.

Lastly, avoid group sex with toys as this could increase infection risks.
Sexually transmitted diseases can affect a person’s health in a significant way. STDs can damage your reproductive system and even cause life-threatening ailments. HIV is a case in point of an STD that can cause death when it develops into AIDS.
Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies should be a priority for every sexually active person. However, it is crucial to note that there are many ways of preventing pregnancies. Still, there are fewer ways of preventing an STD.
When you use condoms continuously and effectively, you can prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. None the less you need to undergo regular STD testing if you are sexually active.

  • When is Sex Risky?

Life would be boring without sex. But sex would be perfect if it was healthy, consensual and enjoyable all the time.
But this is not always the case, and sometimes our actions during intercourse can make sex dangerous.
So what can be classified as risky sexual behavior?

  • What is Risky Sex?

Sex is risky when it causes physical or psychological harm or leads to the spread of infections.
Physical harm can happen due to forceful sex or extreme sexual practices. When one partner is forced into sex or raped, the incident affects them mentally, sometimes leaving them with STIs.
But physical harm can also occur due to personal decisions to engage in risky sexual behavior. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy sex; you can always take some measures to stay safe.
For instance, if you can’t have sex without incorporating toys, then you must be ready to meet the safety and hygiene standards that come with the use of these tools.
Sex toys can make sex fun, but they can also be the medium of transmission for sexually transmitted infections.
Those who enjoy group sex or have sex with multiple partners at the same time are at the highest risk because of the tendency to pass on equipment from one person to the next. They must also prioritize sex toy safety as sharing toys in a group can lead to infections.
Such environments are the riskiest because you have little control over your partners’ actions and many people mean a higher chance of infection.
Here are some risky habits to avoid.

  • More than One Sex Partner

Those with multiple sex partners are prone to contracting sexually transmitted infections. Engaging sexually with many people means there’s a higher chance one of them is infected.
The best way to stay safe is to be in a relationship where both people are honest. However, you may not always know your partner’s expectations or their secret affairs, if any.
For the good of two partners in a relationship; get tested as a couple and discuss results.

  • Sex without protection

Engaging in any form of sex, whether oral, vaginal, or anal without any protection like a dental dam or condom is risky sexual behavior.
It puts you at the risk of contracting HIV and other STIs. Unprotected sex allows for the exchange of body secretions through which Bloodborne and other pathogens enter the body.
It is advisable to use a dental dam (for oral sex) or condoms to lower your chance of getting infected.
Even though you may still contract some infections like herpes and HPV even if you have protected sex, putting a condom on should be a habit. Lastly, be sure to follow sex toy safety if you use gadgets.

  • Anal Sex

Anal sex, whether gay sex or with females, can increase the risk of contracting and spreading STIs.
The anus is not biologically fit for penetration. The vagina self-lubricates. It has a thick lining and is built explicitly for sex.
The anal lining is thin and can get easily damaged, making it more prone to infection.
Use a condom and lots of lube if you must have anal sex. However, this does not reduce the risk of infection.

  • Paid Sex

Those who have sex for money are at a higher risk of contracting STIs because of their way of making a living.
Some people pay them extra to have penetrative sex without condoms, and some of these clients may be infected.
Women and men who offer sex for money are also more likely to abuse drugs. They may also not be in a position to insist that their clients use protection.
Paid sex is risky, and against the law in some cases. Anyone who has paid for any sexual activity that involves body contact should test for all sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

  • Drugs and Sex

Drugs are linked to poor decisions and carelessness. People are bound to have unprotected sex or engage with multiple partners when under the influence of drugs.
Studies have shown that millennials are prone to infections because they engage in sexual activities under the influence of drugs and fail to use protection.
Sharing needles can also lead to contracting sexually transmitted infections. Most addicts who must inject drugs share needles. In the worst cases, they don’t care to ask the owner as long as they get a dose.
If your partner injects drugs, ensure you go for STI screening and always use a condom anytime you engage in sexual activity.
Also, advise your partner to avoid sharing needles and equipment. However, such a partner is difficult to rely on because they are prone to risky sexual behavior when under the influence of drugs.

Final Words on Sex Toy Safety
If you can’t have sex without incorporating toys, then you must be ready to meet the safety and hygiene standards that come with the use of these tools.
Sex toys can make sex fun, but they can also be the medium of transmission for sexually transmitted infections.
Those who enjoy group sex or have sex with multiple partners at the same time are at the highest risk because of the tendency to pass on equipment from one person to the next.
Such environments are the riskiest because you have little control over your partners’ actions and many people mean a higher chance of infection.
Lastly, avoid risky sexual behavior. Always insist on healthy sex anytime you choose to indulge in such activities. Also, reduce the number of sexual partners to a minimum and take regular tests to stay safe.