Women who partake in light workout routines on a daily basis are less likely to have the formation of kidney stones as compared to women who don’t exercise.

Preventing kidney stone formation through exercising

An extensive research has now shown that Kidney Stone formation can be decreased by taking part in light exercises. This is evident due to the fact that 30% of women under a study showed lower risk of developing kidney stones when they exercised. The study also revealed that women who aren’t physically active had a higher risk of having kidney stones. The results were quite astonishing since women who exercised showed a remarkable 80% immunity to kidney stones. The research was done at the University of Washington and was headed by its MD, Mr. Mathew Sorensen.
Mr. Sorensen said that any type of exercise no matter how light it was greatly contributed to reduce the risk of kidney stone formation. He added that one doesn’t have to indulge in strenuous and intense workouts in order to benefit. Mr. Sorensen wanted people to note that there was actually no difference, whether one partook in vigorous exercise or plain light workouts. The effect was just the same.
The study also showed that approximately 10% of adults living in America are bound to have kidney stone formation. It also revealed that over the last 15 years, the number of people developing kidney stones had significantly increased by 70%. Women constituted a huge portion of this statistics. The reason behind such an increase was caused by weight gains, metabolic syndrome and obesity among the population.

How BMI plays a role in kidney stone development

Women aged 50 and above were tested in order to find a theory behind the formation of kidney stones. The women were required to fill in questionnaires that would shed light on their kidney stone history, eating habits and workout plans.
Subjects with a history of kidney stone development were omitted for the cohort. This was done in order to get fresh candidates who hadn’t developed the disease but were still at risk. The researchers then utilized energy intake biomarker to make their study. The average age of the candidates was said to be 64 yrs. The main purpose of the study as mentioned by Mr. Sorensen was to identify how adjusting the body mass index (BMI) affected the development of kidney stones.
There was a further assessment on how energy utilization in the body through exercise lowered the risk of developing kidney stones. A lot of this entailed the women to indulge in various physical activities. Their findings were on point since they proved that any form of workout done on a daily basis produced enough energy to lower the risk of kidney stone formation. The exercises, no matter how light, considerably reduced the risk by approximately 16% to 31%.
Any kind of activity is believed to lower the risk since it’ll prompt the body to increase fluid ingestion, reduce sodium output and improve the density of the bones. This will also make it harder for a person to develop cardiovascular complications in the future.
A change in lifestyle was highly advised. People, women, in particular, were asked to be more active in order to reap the benefits. Light exercises would only take out a very small part of your time in your busy schedule.