The relationship between heart attack & inflammatory muscle disorderResearchers in Britain have found that patients having polymyalgia rheumatic are highly likely to be diagnosed with vascular disease, a condition which usually affects the blood vessels. Health care providers should manage vascular risk factors carefully for patients having polymyalgia rheumatic in order to lower the risk of complications. One of the most common types of inflammatory rheumatologic condition that affects the older people is polymyalgia rheumatic, as written by the study authors. As of now, there is unclear evidence regarding risk of vascular diseases among patients having polymyalgia rheumatic.

The undertaking of the study

In their efforts of understanding the association in a much better way, the researchers embarked on examining data compiled from about 3250 patients having inflammatory muscle disorder together with over 12700 people who didn’t have the condition. Of all the people who were involved in this study, none of them had been diagnosed with vascular disease. In their findings, the researchers noted that patients who had polymyalgia rheumatic such as heart attack, angina, stroke and atherosclerosis.

Research findings shows a close relationship exists

Also, they also noted that the risk for all these conditions had their peak at 12 months after they had been diagnosed with inflammatory muscle disorder. These results were found to be similar for both men and women as reported by the researchers who were led by Christian Mallen. It also became evident that younger patients seemed to be having a great risk and this comprised of those patients aged from 50 years to 59 years. The researchers noted that the patients actually noted that their risk for getting vascular disease increased by even more than five folds. When this was compared to those patients aged above 80 years, their risk was found to be three fold.

The researchers noted that the early, highly increased risk for the condition provided an insight to the potential mechanisms as well as supporting the link that exist between vascular disease and inflammation. This is in consideration to the fact that inflammatory burden for patients with polymyalgia rheumatic were recorded to be at its highest during the early stages of the disease.