Baby gut bacteria essential for protecting the baby

Internal and external parts of our bodies. By estimation, about 100 trillion microbes live in our guts, and according to the scientists belief, these may Microbes of an important role to play in our health overall and the risk of developing diseases.

The bacteria that constitutes a baby’s gut microbiome are very important when it comes to developing the immune system of the baby. This is according to the authors of the studies which was published in the journal of the Microbiome.

Link between mother’s diet and baby gut microbiome

To elaborate more on the potential link that exists between mother’s diet and her baby’s gut microbiome, 145  babies who were all six weeks old together with their mothers were recruited by the researchers at  Dartmouth-Hitchcock  Medical Center in New Hampshire.

In order to reveal the bacteria living in the digestive system, stool samples were collected from the infants for a period of six weeks. A questionnaire was provided to the mothers whose ages were around 32 years old on average in order to document the individual diets. Most of these mothers were first time mothers. I’m not was also taken on the factors that can affect and individual’s micrbiome. These did not exclude the fact that 66% of the children were born vaginally; furthermore, 70% well breastfed at 6 weeks of age; Why most of the children had not attended any day care or taking antibiotics.

Scope of the study

The results which were gathered from the test clearly showed that the baby’s gut microbiome was largely consisting of four types of bacteria: around 19 percent  Bifidobacterium, with just over 10 percent  Bacteroids (10.44%), 20 percent  Enterobacteriaceae and 8 percent Streptococccus.

When you were questioned if any of the microbes, which were identified are more beneficial as compared to others, or even harmful, Dr. Anne G. Hoen, Study author and assistant professor of microbiology and immunology at Dartmouth  Geisel School of Medicine answered that the microbiota which were identified in In the end fund in their studies are normal inhabitants of the human intestinal tract.

Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, and ClostridiumWhich are respectively known to characterize the three infant gut microbiome cluster were only studied for the beneficial role in the infant gut.

The babies were then categorized by the researchers according to the bacteria’s most abundant in their guts. As suggested by the evidence, babies encounter different bacteria when they are born virginally than via c-section, the letters were placed in their own group.

In a statement during an interview, Sara Lundgren, Lead author of the study said, “The standard delivery mode, we expected the results to be very different, but to our surprise, it was found out that the abundances of some microbes were increased in relations. To material intake of a food group in one of the delivery mode groups, but decreased in the other delivery mode group.

Women who took more fruits in their diet were more likely to give birth to babies with high levels of the three microbiomes.