Physical activity might not contribute to weight lossFor a couple of times, researchers have for long tried to put forward the idea that the level of physical activity might not after all be very important as such when it comes to obesity. Also, past researches have explored the fact that the level of physical activity in United States has been on the decline for the last 30 years. However, the conclusions confirmed that this was not true.

How the study was carried out

The latest research was done by Germany scientists at the University of Leipzig who were also interested in giving their voice as well on this issue. During their study which lasted for seven days, the team of researchers focused their study on 119 children who were aged between 3 and 6 years. The researchers measured their level of physical activity by use of accelerometer armband. To ensure that their research was conclusive, they also supplemented the information they got from the research by issuing parents with questionnaires to correct more information.

After analyzing the information obtained, the researchers didn’t find any significant difference in the levels of physical activity among obese or overweight children and the normal children who were in the group. Researchers were quick to conclude that the time in which the children engaged in physical activities was either above or at recommended levels. Also, every child in the group reached their minimum recommended time of 60 minutes for vigorous body exercise each day after which the entire week’s results were then averaged. In addition to this, the researchers also noted that the time in which the children spend watching TV or playing computer games was not related to the level of physical activity.

Factors linked to obesity and overweight

While the research suggested that physical activity was not in any way linked to obesity and overweight, the researchers also tried to explain how the socioeconomic status of the children could have an impact on their weight. According to them, lower level of socioeconomic status among children is not only linked to overweight but also to increased consumption of media. As such, children who are less social are highly likely to be overweight or obese and will spend most of their in a state of physical inactivity, either watching the TV or at the computers. As such, the researchers agreed that the level of physical activity is not a one of the reliable factors that could be used to predict obesity or overweight. However, for preschoolers, this is the most appropriate age range in which they can take it upon themselves to develop healthier habits that could help them deal with obesity and overweight. As such, physical activity should be encouraged among preschoolers. In addition to helping in weight reduction, physical activity also comes with numerous health benefits as well. In short, while physical activity might not contribute directly to weight loss, it is still important for your overall health wellness.