The risks of obesity or being over weight

Data was reviewed by researchers from 51 studies published previously and covered over 600000 people. They found out that obesity also increased the likelihood of the patients having atrial fibrillation to get complications after going through a surgical procedure for treatment of the condition.

As one of the senior researchers noted, a reduced likelihood of suffering from a heart rhythm disorder like atrial fibrillation could be highlighted as one of the health benefits that results from reduction in weight. He noted that reduction in weight for people who have already been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation has a likelihood of being very beneficial as well.

About atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a condition that has now affected millions of people across the world. The condition usually results from rapid and disorganized electrical signals that make the upper two chambers of the heart or the atria for that matter to quickly and irregularly contract. When this happens, blood from the heart fails to be pumped completely to the lower chambers of the heart as well as ventricles. This also, hinders the two heart portions from being able to work properly. Signs of this condition could come and then go.

Global statistics show that there are 1.9 billion people suffering from obese or overweight problems as reported by World Health Organization. It is a well known fact that obesity puts you at a higher risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, cancers and joint disorders. In efforts of ascertaining the way obesity could influence odds of getting atrial fibrillation, the researchers analyzed studies, which showed data as to how often overweight people tended to get atrial fibrillation or received a surgical procedure referred to as ablation for easing electrical problems at the heart incase it can’t be controlled with medication. The researchers mainly assessed how increased BMI had an impact on atrial fibrillation.

The serious effects of obesity

The researchers concluded that obesity could have a very serious effect on the heart rhythm disorder by increasing the risk of the person getting the condition. The researchers used data sourced from 16 studies that involved 5900 people whereby they found that every increase of five points in BMI had links to a 13% increase in the risk of the person getting episodes of atrial fibrillation once the ablation procedure was done.

Obesity is a risk factor for many other conditions as well which can trigger the development of atrial fibrillation. This includes diabetes, high blood pressure as well as inflammation. Moreover, the lead researcher noted that obesity makes any surgery riskier. Losing weight can go a long way towards easing the symptoms associated with obesity and generally, losing weight will make any patient feel much better.