A critical analysis of what Scoliosis is all aboutScoliosis is a spinal condition characterized by twisting or abnormal curving of the spine to the sides. While Scoliosis seems to be a hereditary disease in certain families, most of these cases tend to appear for reasons that are unknown especially in adolescents and children who had a normal, straight spine previously. Idiopathic Scoliosis is Scoliosis that occurs without any known cause and it affects both boys and girls equally. However, the spinal curves tend to be much bigger among girls which necessitate treatment.

What causes Scoliosis?

In some few cases, there is a known cause for Scoliosis. To start with, congenital Scoliosis results from incomplete forming of the spine while one is in the womb or improper development. Then there is Neuromuscular Scoliosis that results from the deterioration of breakage of spine’s bones and discs in adulthood. Certain diseases are also responsible for this condition like cerebral palsy. Finally, there is osteoporosis with fractures in which case people suffering from osteoporosis have a fractured spine and the spine end up curving as a result. As a chronic disease, Scoliosis might worsen overtime. In some cases, curved spines which develop in early childhood or infancy might go untreated until the person reaches teenage years.

Common symptoms of Scoliosis

When you look at the spine of a normal person from the back or front, it appears straight. But people with Scoliosis have their spine curved out towards one side and back again. In some people, the curve could depict an S shape. Other signs include one shoulder appearing to be lower compared to the other, a rounded shoulder, a spine which curves downward or inward too much which is referred to as the sway back, an asymmetrical or sunken/ uneven chest shape and one leg appearing to be shorter compared to the other. Symptoms include back pain, leg tightness or numbness, fatigue, permanent deformities and breathing/ heart problems.

Prevention for Scoliosis

It is not easy to prevent most Scoliosis cases unless for Scoliosis conditions related to osteoporosis. No evidence exists to support the fact that doing exercises or improving posture could prevent it. However, spinal fractures could be prevented by taking measures that strengthen bones and increase bone mass like getting sufficient amounts of vitamin D and calcium. Also, doing weight bearing exercise regularly could help with the spinal fractures.

Treatment options for Scoliosis

The kind of treatment Scoliosis patients get depends on their sex and age, how severe the spinal curvature is, where the curve is located, Scoliosis type in question and if menstruation has started for girls. Mild cases of Scoliosis which are the majority require no treatment. But it is always important to ensure that the curve doesn’t worsen and it is important to go for regular examinations. For severe cases of Scoliosis, the doctor would recommend special back braces as well as surgery for some patients.