How to perform CPR on a newborn successfullyLay person CPR on a newborn refers to an emergency procedure performed on a newborn aged no more than 1 month old. The CPR is provided by a person with no trained healthcare skills. Newborns will need CPR on various occasions, especially when their heart is no longer beating or when he has stopped breathing. This could be as a result of a medical condition, accident or injury. CPR involves a combination of chest compressions and rescue breathing.

What to do when a newborn isn’t breathing normally

Start by calling 911 right away or have them called by another person. It is essential that you start performing CPR once you are sure that caregivers are on their way as this betters the chances of the newborn surviving. Do not hang up until the 911 operator advises you to do so. If the newborn is lying on a dangerous area, move him to a safer area otherwise not. Kneel beside the patient and check if there are any injuries on his head, back or head. This should be done carefully especially when checking their back, which should be done by ensuring the newborn’s body stays straight. Start performing CPR in case he is just gasping for air or is not breathing and do so until caregivers arrive at the scene or the newborn responds. Look for an AED around and use it to do the CPR.

To give CPR to the newborn, you should remember the basic steps of ABC. Give one rescue breath and do 3 chest compressions and then repeat this process.

Opening a newborn’s airway

Start by putting one of your hands on his forehead and firmly press it backwards until his head tilts back without placing your hand on his back. Use your other hand to lift his chin and open his mouth. Be careful not to press the soft tissue underneath his chin deeply as this might close the airway. Check into his mouth for anything that could be blocking the airway like small toys and food. Scoop it with your finger if you see something, which can be removed easily.

How to give rescue breaths

Start by taking a deep breath; put your lips around the mouth and nose of the newborn until you make an airtight seal. In case your mouth isn’t able to cover the nose and mouth of the newborn, close his nose by pinching it and now use your mouth to cover his. You can also give breaths via the nose of the newborn while holding his mouth closed. Give 1 breath into the newborn and avoid giving large, hard or fast breaths.

How to give chest compressions

Chest compressions are done by pressing the heart area between the breastbone and spine. You will need to do 3 chest compressions and push fast and hard without stopping or delaying the compressions to give the newborn a chance of living.