Besides narrowing blood vessels, Sumatriptan also works by neutralizing substances in the body which can cause headache pain, sensitivity to s

ound and light, nausea and various migraine symptoms. Normally, people take Sumatriptan as a treatment for migraine headaches and this drug only treats headache conditions that have begun already. As such, the drug is incapable of reducing the number of headache attacks or preventing headaches. Patients are advised not to use Sumatriptan for treating ordinary tension headache or a headache which comes in a different form from the normal migraine headaches. Only use the drug if the doctor confirms your condition to be a migraine headache.

Usage and dosage instructions for Sumatriptan

Anyone who is allergic to Sumatriptan is highly discouraged from using this medication as well as people with a history of cardiovascular disease as well as anyone with coronary heart disease, blood circulation problems, angina, severe liver disease, poor heart blood supply, uncontrollable high blood pressure, a history of stroke or heart attack, ischemic bowel disease or people with a unique kind of headache rather than the normal migraine headaches. Sumatriptan shouldn’t be used within 24 hours after or before using another medicine to deal with migraine headache, which also includes almotriptan, Sumatriptan injection, frovatriptan, eletriptan, rizatriptan and others. Also, do not use this drug if you have previously used any other MAO inhibitor like furazolidone, isocarboxazid, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline or Emsam within the past 14 days.

If you are currently taking an antidepressant like citalopram, desvenflaxine, duloxetine or sertraline, make sure you inform your doctor about it as well. Remember that this medication is only used for treating an already started headache. When you take your first Sumatriptan tablet,

wait for two hours before you take your second tablet. Make sure you limit your Sumatriptan tablets to not more than 200mg in 24 hours. Also, after you use Sumatriptan nasal spray, make sure you wait for two hours before you use a second spray and do not exceed 40mg of the Sumatriptan nasal spray in any 24 hour period.

Useful tips on Sumatriptan usage

You should seek emergency medical help when you experience symptoms of allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of your lips, face, throat or tongue. You should also stop using Sumatriptan when you notice some critical side effects like feeling of tightness or pain in your throat, neck or jaw, a heavy feeling or pain in your chest, pain spreading to your shoulder or arm, sweating, nausea, general ill feeling and swelling. Sumatriptan usage should also be discontinued if you experience sudden weakness or numbness, which mostly comes on one of your body sides. Other symptoms that should warrant you to stop using Sumatriptan include agitation, fever, hallucinations, fast heart rate, nausea, overactive reflexes, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of coordination, fainting, mild headache but not a migraine, spinn