Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction that can be life threatening and can lead to shock which is essentially a condition where blood pressure drops suddenly and can result in trouble breathing. For allergic persons, anaphylaxis tends to occur just a few minutes after the person is exposed to an allergen- allergy causing substance. This can sometimes lead to a delayed reaction and even when an apparent trigger isn’t present, anaphylaxis can still occur.

What to do when someone shows signs of anaphylaxis

In case a person starts to show some signs of anaphylaxis, it is essential that you take the necessary steps in order to help relieve the condition as noted here below:

  • Call 911 immediately or else contact a medical emergency number in your locality
  • Enquire from the patient if they have an epinephrine autoinjector for treating an allergic attack. Such could include EpiPen or Auvi-Q and others.
  • In case the person tells you that they need to use the autoinjector, assist them to inject the medication where necessary. You can do this by simply pressing the autoinjector right against the thigh of the person.
  • Carefully allow the patient to lie still on the back
  • Start loosening their tight clothing and then use a blanket to cover them without offering any drink.
  • In case the person is bleeding from mouth or vomiting, you can prevent chocking by turning them on the side.
  • In case the person isn’t showing any signs of breathing, movement or coughing, start CPR right away. Make sure that you do the uninterrupted chest presses which should be done at a rate of 100 per minute and continue until the paramedics arrive.
  • Even if you see the symptoms improving, make sure that you get emergency treatment right away. Keep in mind that the symptoms can recur after anaphylaxis and it is crucial that the patient is monitored for several hours at the hospital.

In case the person is showing signs of anaphylaxis, don’t make the mistake of just waiting to see the symptoms improve. Rather, it is crucial that emergency treatment is availed right away. For severe cases, there is a possibility of untreated anaphylaxis causing death within a short time of just half an hour.

Common signs of anaphylaxis are:

  • Skin reactions which includes itching, hives, pale or flushed skin
  • Throat, lips, eyes or face starts to swell
  • Airways constricts and this can result in troubled breathing and wheezing
  • A rapid or weak pulse
  • Vomiting, diarrhea and nausea
  • Fainting, unconsciousness and dizziness

Some of the most common triggers of anaphylaxis include the likes of:

  • Medications
  • Insect stings of bees, wasps, yellow jackets, fire ants and hornets

In case you have ever suffered from a severe allergic reaction sometime in the past, it is important that you ask your doctor for an epinephrine autoinjector that you can always carry with you.