Causes of hemorrhoids and their controlHemorrhoids are tissue swellings or lumps in the anal area caused by the enlargement of blood vessels. They are very common and are related to pressure stresses in the anal cavity. There are two types of hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are located inside the anal cavity. They are painless and are characterized by discharge of either blood or mucus, or even both. Sometimes, internal hemorrhoids can stick out of the anus. External hemorrhoids are located outside the anus. They can cause a great deal of discomfort and are sometimes painful. They also lie in the passage of fecal matter and therefore, can cause difficulties in maintaining hygiene after defecation.

Causes of hemorrhoids and some observed symptoms

Hemorrhoids are mainly caused by stresses on the anal area, constipation and frequent diarrhea being the major causes.  As for constipation, a lot of pressure may be applied in the anal area when trying to strain bowel movement. Additionally, fecal matter that is large and dry can cause damage on the anus, leading to hemorrhoids. Other causes f hemorrhoids include abdominal pressure due to pregnancy and childbirth, and weakness of the anal and rectal skin due to anal sex, surgery as well as muscle tone loss due to aging. Hemorrhoids can be identified from a number of symptoms including:

  • Persistent anal itching as well as anal pain within and outside the anus
  • Blood on feces and toilet paper
  • Detection of tissue matter sticking out the anal cavity
  • Mucus discharge from the anus
  • Swellings or lumps in the anal and rectal areas

If the above symptoms are identified, one should seek medical attention. This might help in diagnosis of the condition early enough. As for hemorrhoids, they can be diagnosed by physical touch during rectal examination or viewing of the anal and rectal areas by the use of anoscopes.

Prevention, cure and control of hemorrhoids

Just like most medical conditions, hemorrhoids can be prevented. This can be done by controlling the causes of hemorrhoids. Some preventive measures include:

  • Avoiding constipation by taking enough water and eating foods rich in fiber
  • Exercising regularly to improve bowel movement
  • Going to the toilet at specific times of the day to create a regular pattern of bowel movement
  • Responding promptly to bowel movement urges
  • Ensuring proper lubrication during anal sex

Most of the time, hemorrhoids do not require treatment. This is because they disappear soon after proper control methods have been applied. They can be controlled by application of petroleum jelly (aloe Vera gel is more helpful), having regular sitz baths using warm water, use of medical stool softeners and also regular cleaning of the anal area. However, if they are painful, persistent or cause too much discomfort, treatment should be done. This can be throughligation by the use of rubber bands, injection of chemicals to cause shrinkage, burning by electrical methods or infra-red light, and in extreme conditions medical surgery.