Although there are several diabetes management strategies that can be used, blood sugar, blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels compare positively according to the research information produced in the process. It was ascertained that more than half of the people in attained different singular measures with regards to the study.

According to the senior study author Catherine Cowie, who is also the director of the diabetes epidemiology program at the National Institute of diabetes and digestive kidney disease in the US, she revealed that there was increased improvement between  1988 and 2010 respectively with regards to their findings, where she added that the results were quite encouraging although just 19 percent of the people met the three targeted goals that included the described blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels respectively.

There was one expert who had some mixed reviews with the results from the study. The director of the clinical diabetes center at Montefiore Medical center in NYC, Dr. Joel Zonszein said that he wasn’t very happy with the results since even with increase awareness on diabetes created, as well as improved medical treatment, only 19 percent was registered under admirable management.

His argument was based on statins, their values when it comes to diabetic people as well as the reasons why they should be recommended for use. The point is that, with regards to his point, he insisted that quite a good number of people aren’t taking diabetic treatment in conjunction with blood pressure treatment and thus why he added that it was a very big issue.

What are the ABC’s of diabetes?

The described three measures normally taken to manage diabetes are normally referred to as ABC’s of diabetes where A similarly stands for hemoglobin A1C, and usually expressed as a percentage. The goals of A1C are normally determined by individual doctors. B, which stands for blood pressure where diabetic people are required to exhibit blood pressure levels that do not exceed 130/80mmHg. C, on the other hand stands for cholesterol but basically the LDL (bad) cholesterol. Normally it is necessary to have all those levels as close as possible in order to fight diabetes.

About the research results

The research results indicated that there were groups that fared better than others where as there were those that fared the worst. According to this study, it was evaluated that Mexican Americans least met their blood sugar goals 53:44:48 percentile ratios of whites, blacks as well as Hispanics and some Mexican Americans were able to meet the said blood pressure goals and thus why Cowie added that it was necessary for more public health efforts to be added to the minority groups that fared worst from the results.