Researchers in Europe looked at a large group of people between the ages of forty and sixty nine and they concluded that when the screenings for diabetes were done on people at later stages in life, the risk of their lives having a cardiovascular event within five years increased.

Timing of Diagnosis and Intensity of Treatment

When people discovered their type II diabetes turned out to be more important that how intense, or aggressive their treatment for the condition were in relation to the person developing heart conditions.

The standard age for diabetes screening in at risk adults in the UNITED States is forty five and above. This age recommendation is set by the United States Preventive Services Task Force. They are a government backed panel who examine issues related to health care in the United States. Most doctors and health care facilities follow the recommended guidelines of agencies such as this for when to start testing for diseases, because most insurance companies follow these guidelines. That means that a large portion of the insurance companies will find that testing at an age earlier than recommended by the government agency is not necessary and therefore they are reluctant to pay for the medical screening.

What this means for healthcare providers

Health care professionals need to look at the results of the study and begin to assess patients, and their risk of having, or developing, type II diabetes differently. People need to be evaluated for their risk of developing type II diabetes before their fortieth birthday, and they need to keep abreast of the possibility of this disease from the age of forty and up.

Type II diabetes is associated with high blood pressure levels, high cholesterol levels, strokes, and heart conditions, as well as obesity. By finding out that a person is diabetic or has a high risk of developing diabetes at an earlier age the numbers of people with these health concerns could be lowered. That means fewer deaths from heart disease, and it means lower health care costs for the nation.

What people should do

If you have any of the risk factors for developing diabetes, then you should talk to your doctor and urge them to test you, and to help you lower your risks. The main risks factors are:

  • Family history of diabetes. If your parents, siblings, grandparents, or aunts and uncles have the condition you are three times as likely to develop the condition
  • Your weight and your diet. High sugar, and high calorie diets will increase your risk of obesity and obesity increases your risk of diabetes.
  • Sedentary lifestyles. People who lead sedentary lifestyles are three times more likely to develop diabetes, and heart conditions.
  • Your age. As people age they are at a higher risk of developing medical conditions such as diabetes.

You should educate yourself on the prevention of diabetes, and you should take that education seriously. Diabetes is a chronic condition that can lead to other serious medical problems.