There is a new study that suggests that drinking a glass of wine or a little beer every night will lower risks of type 2 diabetes.

Does drinking keep you safe?

Researchers found that men and women who took drinks often each week had a lower risk of type 2 diabetes compared to people who do not drink. The researchers said that people got more benefit if they spread out their drinks through the week rather than downing them all at once. It was discovered that drinking patterns seemed to affect the risk of diabetes. Drinking frequency influences the risk of diabetes. The more frequent you are, the lower the risk of diabetes regardless of the total weekly amount.

This study included more than 70,000 people in 2007-2008.It was a survey took details about their lifestyle, medical history and the amount of alcohol consumed. There was a follow up in 2017. The study found that men who drank often every week had about forty percent risk of lower risk of diabetes compared to people who don’t drink while women who took drinks often every week had about sixty percent lower risk compared to non-drinkers. The risk of diabetes was lower in those who spread out their drinks than those who didn’t. Women had about 32 percent lower risk while men had about 27 percent lower risk.

Does the type of alcohol matter?

The protective effect of alcohol was also discovered to be only found in wine and beer Wine was seen to be the most profitable and people who had more frequent drinks of wine had a lower risk of diabetes. Women didn’t get affected at all by drinking beer, but men did get 21 percent lower risk from drinking beer. Hard liquor did not lower the risk for any gender, in fact, it increased the risk in women by about eighty percent. Spirits had little benefit as far as risk of type 2 diabetes is concerned. If you have been drinking one in a while just reduce the risk of diabetes, may be its time to stop.

What is the logic behind this information?

It is important to note that this study only identifies an association between alcohol and diabetes but not a cause and effect connection. You should not increase your alcohol consumption on the basis of this study. It is not clear why alcohol could have a protective effect against diabetes.

It is not easy to tell how this happens due to limited knowledge about the combination between alcohol and blood sugar. Since this information is just observational and not based on an experiment or trial, it might not be that credible. Sometimes it is even suggested that alcohol increases risk of diabetes.

It is also important to note that the information was self-reported hence it could be wrong since participants are not likely to remember all the foods they have eaten in the past. It is also had to tell through a questionnaire other factors that lower risk of diabetes. It is also unlikely for a large number of people to develop diabetes in five years.