Choice of words often important when explaining CPRWords often hold a lot of power irrespective of the language being used to relay the message.A good example is when delivering a simple message. One might find that their words can shock, relieve, upset and even provoke the person they are giving the message.

The dictionary’s definition of the term ‘words’ implies that, they are just but layers of denotation that aren’t clearly expressed. Words such as ‘I care about you and you are dying and I’m worried that you have a short time left’ can all have more than one meaning depending on the situation and how the tone used to speak to the other person. The types of words used are very significant if the doctor doesn’t want to mislead the person they are speaking.

Role of words during CPR training

The reason as to why many bystanders choose not to get involved in helping victims who suffer from sudden cardiac arrest can be attributed to the fact that they are either scared or don’t have confidence in their abilities. This is something that doesn’t start with the bystander but rather the person who was responsible for training them in the first place. Their confidence levels should be sky high if the doctor who trained them used the right words to teach them. It should actually be a piece of cake given that there are stories of children who have saved lives using CPR yet they have no medical degree or experience. The fact that there have been successful stories of bystanders saving lives should show that there is a possibility of everyone administering the procedure successfully.

The type of treatment being administered can also change the type of words needed when teaching the procedure. A good example for a person who is performing CPR would be ‘Would you kindly allow us to restart you heart?’ now the term ‘Restart’ is by all means correct but the question that linger is that is it the ideal term to use around people who are panicking and shocked. A more subtle approach would be ‘We would like to resuscitate and revive you.’ Now some people will still panic all the same but the use of resuscitate might signify that the situation isn’t that serious despite it being the absolute reverse.

Persuasion is vital when communication

The best words to use are those that show that one is trying to persuade the person. Doctors should also try talk to these bystanders as a lot of them do need persuasion in order to take the classes in the first place. A bystander can also try to politely request any of the other bystanders to help and save the victims life.

It’s a concept that can work wonders if well implemented. People will be more open and willing to respond and contribute irrespective of their skill. Those who don’t know CPR will call for help or request someone who knows to perform the procedure on the patient.