In 2014 a study of more than twenty thousand of the twenty one million people in America that have been diagnosed with diabetes to see what effects other chronic health conditions had on the treatment, and care of the patient’s diabetes.

Distraction from Diabetes Monitoring and Control

Many patients who develop other chronic conditions along with their diabetes get distracted by the care they need for the other conditions, and they do not pay adequate attention to their diabetes. People seem to start accepting diabetes and forget that when they let their blood sugar levels get out of control, they cause their diabetes to become worse, and to damage organs, and create new chronic conditions such as loss of eyesight, kidney failure, weight gain, and amputated limbs.
Diabetics must monitor their blood glucose levels carefully to retain control of their condition. They have to eat the proper foods and perform he proper amount of physical activity to keep their blood sugar levels within the normal limits. When people become complacent about their diabetes, they often do not check their sugar levels or take the time to watch their food choices.
This results in higher blood sugars that damage organs, and help to introduce other conditions, including heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Financial Restraints caused by other Chronic Conditions

Caring for and treating diabetes is not a cheap thing to do. Diabetes is an expensive ailment that requires expensive blood testing equipment, a diet that is more expensive, and expensive medications. People who have other chronic health conditions may not have the financial resources to properly treat both conditions. They often choose to reduce the amount of money they put into maintaining their diabetes correctly so that they have enough money to buy medications and supplies for their other condition.

Actions Physicians and Healthcare Officials can take to Help Their Patients

Health care officials who tend to patients who have more than one chronic health condition can help their patients to manage their diabetes, and their other conditions by helping their patients be better educated on the dangers of ignoring their diabetes care.
Healthcare professionals should listen to their patients, and try to understand the predicament having these chronic conditions puts them in. Healthcare professionals can try to help the patient reduce the cost of maintaining their conditions by combining visits, and testing for the diseases. They can help lower income patients to apply for assistance from medication manufacturers. They can keep a record of places that have discount diabetes care supplies and provide their patients with this information to help ease their financial burdens.
The medical professionals can be on the look-out for signs that a patient may not be properly caring for their diabetes, so they can initiate discussions about the financial, emotional, and physical challenges their patients face while dealing with diabetes and other chronic health issues.