The link between pediatric meat consumption and delayed allergy reactionsImmunoglobulin is an antibody in human body and has been associated with causing delayed urticaria and anaphylaxis. The antibody is formed soon after eating lamb, pork or beef and children diagnosed with urticaria or anaphylaxis have been found to contain the antibody in their body. This is according to a study published recently on the internet in pediatrics. The investigations were led by Joshua L. Kennedy from University of Virginia and studied the presence of the antibody in a group of pediatric patients aged between 4 and 17 years after reporting urticaria or idiopathic anaphylaxis. They obtained sera which were analyzed for both specific and total IgE.

The investigators focused their research on 45 patients that had a medical history of experiencing delayed urticaria or anaphylaxis after eating mammalian meat. The participants still had Gal specific antibodies. Most of the cases studied were noted to have experienced tick bites which persisted and itched constantly for the past one year. The researchers believed that the study availed clear evidence on the importance of pediatric population having a-Gas syndrome. As such, it should be diagnosed among children who had suffered delayed responses after eating red meat as well as acute and recurrent urticaria, idiopathic anaphylaxis or angioedema. The evidence given by the research was even stronger for patients living in regions commonly infested by Lone Star tick.

Symptoms of Anaphylaxis

Previously, there was a wide belief that delayed allergy reaction resulted from exposure to allergens which a study has found not to be true after all. Anaphylaxis has been linked with meat allergy and occurs between 3 and 6 hours after people allergic to these types of foods take them. In most cases, the symptoms will begin with itch which then progresses to hives on both the outer and deeper skin layers. Next, the victim will start experiencing intestinal irritations and swelling alongside constriction of the airway, rapid blood pressure drop and a chaotic heart rate. In mild Anaphylaxis, the symptoms experienced by the patient are less serious than this. However, as time progresses, the symptoms have a high likelihood of turning to life threatening and more severe reactions.

Results of the research

The conventional understanding is that Anaphylaxis occurs almost immediately after being exposed and the finding that the allergy can be delayed is in itself a new discovery. What is even more surprising is that the allergy tends to involve sugar and not a protein as science has come to conclude about allergies. The researcher strongly suspected that the seed tick bikers were the major causes of meat related allergy for people with either type O or A blood. People with both AB and B blood groups seem to be more protected and do not easily develop IgE antibodies. The research made it very clear that development of meat allergy was largely caused by larval tick bites.