According to the study, within the predetermined age, the ages that were more likely to feature on that curve were those between 12-39 with linked factors associated with central obesity and smoking as well as hyperglycemia respectively. The single assessment followed evidence from possibilities of premature deaths especially those sidelined with relative hazards. Victims were said to be aged between 12 to 18 years. This report was confirmed by Sharon Saydah, a PHD within the CD’s diabetes division in Atlanta.

According to the research study whose  main objective was to highlight the actual cause of many early deaths especially on young teens, injuries were linked to cause of some of the deaths but more to that, the risk factors surpassed accidental deaths to  disease related outcomes. According to Sharon, the findings suggested that at least from what they uncovered in the US, various cardio-metabolic risk factors were also attributed to the causes of these deaths.

About the research study

The data examined to arrive to the described results was the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey that had been conducted from 1988 all the way to 1994. Up to, 9,245 willing participants were randomly selected between the ages of 12-39 with the minimum age at about 26. During the survey, the results that were processed on the same articulated that about 77% of the participants were at least non-Hispanic white, while about 15% were non-Hispanic black with 8% said to be Mexican Americans.

Findings from the research study

In all, throughout the year 2006, at least 3.2% equivalent to 298 of all those candidates had died before they reached the ages of 55. While there was more evidence to connect the causes of death to disease, the top three causes were rather linked to accidents, self infliction, as well as circulatory especially on those victims aged between 12-25 years. Cancer was also pointed out as a primary cause for victims aged 26-32, while genetic related factors also attributed to the results of deaths especially on those candidates aged between the ages of 33-39.

After the findings were adjusted according to age, sex, race and ethnicity, there was an increased risk of victims to die under the circumstances of glycated hemoglobin, elevated cotinine as well as smoking. Waist to height ratio was also connected to increased deaths, which was more linked to obesity and overweight. The point is that the large waist circumference, which was rather an endogenous cause together with hypertension, would be uncalled for.

For this reason, the findings propagate the importance for early obesity prevention and the necessity to control cigarette smoking for teenagers and young adults according to the author. Note that the reported findings did not connect to race or ethnicity as cause of deaths.