The finest secondary stroke prevention therapy includes a mixture of antihypertensive, antithrombotic and anti-lipid modifying medicines. There were all linked in lowering the risks of a person to have a second stroke, cardio instances and fatality among people who have had stroke in the past. only the best treatment wherein all have indicated medications that were prescribed with a mixture of 2-3 distinct drug types were linked to reducing the risk of stroke by around 61%. This is the very first study conducted to observe the effects of mixtures of proven medicine classes in clinical events among stroke patients in the future.

50 percent of stroke patients receive premium therapy

There were only ½ of the stroke patients are given the prime secondary stroke preventive therapies in a hospital after being discharged. Those therapies were proven to help in preventing people from having second strokes and it can also help in prolonging their lifespan. There is evidence that suggests the use of evidence based combination of medical treatments that include antiplatelet, beta blockers, statins and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, since they are all associated in lowering the risk of the patients with acute coronary syndrome.

There are single drug therapists conducting the study and the risk of recurring stroke. They are into knowing the relationship of the combination drug based on the therapies and data from different studies. The study involved 3,680 people who were around 35 years with the endpoint of knowing if a high dose of homocysteine lowering vitamins like folic acid may also be given to lower down the total homocysteine to lessen the risk of recurring stroke in patients with current stroke case.

There are 3 probable type of medication for every patient that may include AH or antihypertensive drugs like renin angiotensin modulator, calcium antagonist, beta blocker, diuretic, alpha blocker, antithrombotic like antiplatelet and anticoagulant and lipid modifier like statin and omega 3 fatty acids. All of these are known to be highly credible.

The result of triple therapy

The age of the patients in the VISP trial was around 66.3years and 35.7% were women and 79.5% of those were white. 82% of the people has received AH, while 54.6% got LM, 93% of which got AT during their last follow up visit to the doctor. In the study conducted, it is very important to have a mixture of the prime prescription of every proven secondary preventive medication like AH, LM & AT that was linked in lowering the risk of stroke, vascular diseases and fatality among patients. On the other hand, the optimal combination must not be considered as a complete secondary prevention, but more so as in important part of a complete recurrent stroke preventive technique with efforts in lessening smoking, alleviate physical activities like exercise and modifying your diet as well.