Vision therapies such as eye training might not be effective when it comes to treatment of dyslexia among children as reported by researchers who managed to find normal vision among children diagnosed with learning disability. These findings essentially confirm is that what most eye doctors have come to know for quite a long time now. Dyslexia is essentially a brain dysfunction and certainly not an eye disorder as such. No studies exist to show that visual training could be of any help to a dyslexic patient.

Dyslexia a common problem in US

Most school aged children have been diagnosed with dyslexia in US depending on which definition has been used as noted by the researchers. In case the severe reading difficulties linked to dyslexia haven’t been addressed, adult employment can be affected seriously as well as their health as the researchers were quick to add.  According to the new findings that were published online, the study involved testing more than 5,800 children who were aged between 7 and 9 years. They underwent tests for many different vision problems that included nearsightedness, lazy eye, seeing double, far sightedness as well as focusing difficulties.

For the 3 percent of children diagnosed with dyslexia and had shown severe reading difficulties, there was a very little difference in their vision compared to the children who didn’t dyslexia. And about 80% of children seemed to have full normal vision as well as eye function in the various tests undertaken as showed by the findings. A relatively higher number of those having dyslexia seemed to have problems when it came to seeing double or depth perception even though no evidence existed to show that this was in anyway related to the reading disability they had. After adjustments were made on other contributing factors, the findings seemed due to chance.

Is something wrong with the eye?

It makes a lot of sense for someone to think that their eye could be having some problems in case they are not able to ready well. However, no connection really exists between dyslexia and any ophthalmological. Even though these study findings aren’t new as such, the review seems much larger compared to the previous reviews. The main issue here is the fact that parents having dyslexic children shouldn’t be wasting lots of money paying vision training for children having dyslexia as it will simply not work. This research provided more information about dyslexia as well as how this condition should be treated.

The researchers greatly hoped that this information will be shared by the professional bodies, support groups and charities with their teachers and families to ensure that everyone knows of the best treatment options available for children affected by the condition. This will ultimately lead to these affected children being able to get the best treatment for this condition.