Blood borne pathogens are microorganisms that cause diseases. They are typically bacteria or viruses that are present in body fluids including blood.

Two most notable blood borne pathogens include Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

To reduce the risk of transmission of diseases, healthcare personnel should use personal protective equipment (PPE). The protective equipment will serve as a barrier against transmission of sexual diseases.

What are the Most Important PPEs?

Healthcare providers should use PPEs to protect themselves from contracting blood borne diseases. In addition, using PPEs is essential to avoid transmission of a disease to others. Here are some of the important protective equipment that can help minimize exposure to blood borne pathogens.

1. Protective Gloves

Wearing protective gloves is essential to avoid contracting a disease. There are different types of gloves including latex, vinyl, and nitrile. Individuals with latex allergies can use vinyl and nitrile gloves to stay protected.

2. CPR Mask

A CPR mask can serve as a barrier between the victim and the emergency personnel. The mask features cushions that can adjust to different facial structures forming an airtight seal. Wearing the mask when performing CPR can prevent transmission of blood borne pathogens through the exchange of bodily fluids. In addition, it will minimize the risk of catching Herpes virus through contact with open sores.

3. CPR Pock (Face) Mask

Another important PPE to protect against blood borne pathogens is a CPR pock mask. Also called the CPR face mask, the mask has a one-way filter valve. This valve prevents blood, mucus, and vomit of the victim from entering the resuscitator’s mouth.

4. Hand Cleaner

Hand cleaner and sanitizer can be used to prevent the spread of blood borne diseases. The hand cleaner is not always available in case of an emergency. So, it’s important that healthcare professionals keep a waterless hand cleaner with them. In this way, they can immediately wash hands after assisting a victim thereby preventing the spread of diseases.

The above are important PPEs that can help prevent the spread of diseases. Apart from using the right protective gear, you should also practice safe procedures to avoid the risk of contracting the blood borne disease. Make sure that you don’t bend, break, shear, or recap the needle. Also, you should use a broom or sweep the needle instead of picking it up. This will minimize the chances of inadvertently contracting dangerous diseases through the transfer of blood borne pathogens.

Make sure that you enroll in a blood borne pathogens training course to know more tips to keep yourself and others safe. You can take an online course and complete it at your own time and pace. Taking an online course is also more cost-effective compared to classroom-based courses.