Depression after Weight Loss Surgery

Depression is something that every obese person has had to deal with in some form. What many people do not realize is that after they have weight loss surgery they may still have to battle depression.

What happens to the Stretched Skin?

As people gain weight their skin stretches to accommodate their increasing size. After weight loss surgery many people lose weight so quickly that their skin does not have time to adjust to the new size and the person is left with excess skin that hangs from their body. Usually, the excess skin is located at the waist, but excess skin hanging from the arms, thighs, and neck is also a possibility. There are surgical procedures to remove or reduce the excess skin, but these surgeries are quite expensive.

Bowel Concerns after Bariatric Surgical Procedures

The vast majority of people who have bariatric surgery get the unfortunate side effect of extreme bouts of diarrhea at some time after their surgery. Weight loss specialists call this bowel complication the “dumping syndrome”. The dumping syndrome can be brought on by eating refined sugars, or fried foods, and by some dairy products. After these poor food choices are made the post weight loss surgical patient will experience a range of stomach complaints that can be from mild discomfort to extremely painful episodes.

Many Post Surgery Patients Begin to Abuse Alcohol

The exact reason why some people have a tendency to consume more alcohol after bariatric surgery is unknown. There have been conclusive studies that show people who have had weight loss surgery are more than fifty percent more likely to abuse alcohol after their procedure.

You must exercise if you expect to lose the weight

Weight loss surgery is not a miracle cure for obesity. You are going to have to eat properly and exercise if you intend to lose the weight and keep it off.

Carbonated Beverages are off limits after Weight Loss Surgery

Carbonated beverages introduce air to your stomach and this can cause undo expansion will can reverse the surgery results you have.

The Emotional Changes

As you start to see physical changes in your body, you might start to experience some emotional changes that can put a strain on your marriage and friendships. The emotional changes may occur in you and they may occur in your spouse. Be ready to join a support group to learn to deal with all of these changes.

You May be Putting your Life at Risk

All surgeries come with some element of risk. Your doctor should explain the risks you are taking by having the surgery. These procedures have helped many people, but a large number of people have died from surgical complications.

You need a Support Group

You need a group of friends or relatives who encourage you before, during, and after your procedure.

You need a Second Opinion

You should never have any surgical procedure without getting advice from at least two physicians.