A recent investigation conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health showed that on thirty percent of the patients who were severely depressed and taking the most popular antidepressants went into remission on their first medication. The study reported that when these people switched to a new drug another twenty five percent of them achieved remission, but that it takes up to twelve weeks after starting an antidepressant for the person to notice their bodies responding to the medication.

No wonder so many people resist taking depression medicine.

The other depressing news for people about to start these medications is that the medicine has lots of side effects, and when you begin to take some of these medicines you have to be weaned off of them, even if you are having adverse reactions to them.

Drug free depression treatments may be the best answer

Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy to treat depression can be highly beneficial. Yoga teaches people to release negative energies, and to calm their minds and bodies. Yoga is a powerful treatment that can be used alone, or in conjunction with medications. Yoga is inexpensive and the exercises have physical benefits as well as mental ones.

Tai Chi

This is an ancient form of martial arts. Tai Chi has many of the same principles as yoga. It teaches people to control their movements, their breathing, and to slow their heart rates. When people practice tai Chi they become more physically fit, and mentally prepared to handle the things in life that can cause depression. Tai Chi can be used as a single treatment or in conjunction with other treatments even ones that include medication.

Transcendental Meditation

Norman E. Rosenthal, MD is a celebrated psychiatrist who has written a book on the subject of transcendental meditation. The book is titled, Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation. Dr. Rosenthal wrote in his book that people who suffer from depression, and bi-polar disorders find transcendental meditation to have a calming effect. The patients reported that they were more capable of controlling their mood swings using the practices taught in transcendental meditation.


In biofeedback, people learn to have a greater amount of control over their minds and their body’s responses using electric sensors. The electric sensors show people how their body reacts to stimuli, to stress, and what they can do to relax their own muscles when they feel the tension building.

Biofeedback is used to help people learn to reduce high blood pressure, control irritable bowel syndrome, and control chronic pain.

Other non-medication solutions

There are many other treatment options people who have severe depression can try. Some of these include: eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, binaural beats, Hanna Somatic Education, mindfulness based cognitive therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, group therapy, nature therapy, pet therapy, and private therapy sessions.

If you suffer from depression, or know someone that suffers from depression, do not be afraid to seek treatment. You do not have to start medications for treatment, and sometimes depression can be a symptom of some other condition.

In depression treatment, do BLS courses come in handy? You bet. In every health matter, basic life support knowledge is very important both for the medical personnel and the support care givers.

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