More than half a million people die of a heart attack in the US every year. Both men and women are susceptible to heart attacks. Most people think that heart attacks occur out-of-the-bloom without any symptoms. The reality is that individuals who experience a heart attack experience certain symptoms that can wax and wane before the attack.

Here are five warning signs that a heart attack is imminent. If you experience any of these signs, it’s vital that you get a heart checkup immediately to know whether you have a heart problem. Early action can mean the difference between life and death.

1. Pain in the Chest

Chest pain is the most common warning sign of a heart attack. Most people feel a pain in the center of the chest days before the heart attack. The pain can be dull or sharp like a squeezing in the chest. This pain generally last for more than a few minutes.

2. Shortness of Breath

People can experience shortness of breath before a heart attack. This can occur before or during the chest discomfort. Due to labored breathing, an individual will feel lightheadedness and fatigued. Shortness of breath and lightheadedness can be a sign of arrhythmias.

3. Pain in the Neck

A number of heart attack sufferers had complained of a pain in the neck before the heart attack. The pain can also be in other areas around the neck such as the shoulders or the jaw. This pain is usually in the form of an achiness or pressure in the area.

4. Erective Dysfunction

A lot of people think that erectile dysfunction is a sexual problem. However, the reality is that it occurs due to improper circulation of blood. The abnormal blood circulation can be an indication of a heart trouble. A buildup of plaque in the arteries can result in improper circulation of blood. This can cause men to have aproblem in achieving an erection during intercourse. So, if you have performed well during sex but suddenly experience an erectile dysfunction, it could indicate a problem with the heart.

5. Puffy Legs

Legs can swell and become puffy for many different reasons. However, it can also be a tell-tale sign of a heart failure. While the legs can become swollen occasionally such as during the day, it becomes normal overnight. If you experience persistent swelling of the legs, particularly at night, it can indicate a heart problem.

One of the best ways to prevent the risk of a heart attack is to know about the early warning signs. In this way, you can take early action to avoid experiencing a heart attack. Also, it’s important that every family member learns about important cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills (CPR). Majority of the heart attack occurs in the home. Getting online CPR certification can ensure that a person who suffers from a heart attack gets timely assistance that can help save alife.