The American Academy of CPR and First Aid is accredited by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine who is jointly accredited by the

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education® (ACCME) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.           

American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc.®

Online CPR Certification Blog

How Often CPR Should Certification be Renewed?


Date: October 26th, 2018

One of the most critical lifesaving skills that can help save the life of another person is cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Using the technique will allow you to save the life of victims who have suffered from a heart attack.

You can learn about CPR first aid technique through an online class. Once you have obtained a certification by learning about CPR, it’s critical that you constantly renew the license at regular intervals.

Basic First Aid Tips: How to Help Victims of Smoke Inhalation?


Date: October 23rd, 2018

Smoke inhalation can lead to serious health consequences. In most house fires, people generally die of suffocation instead of burns.

Between 50 percent and 80 percent of deaths are due to smoke inhalation rather than burns.

Here, we will provide basic first aid tips that can allow you to help victims of smoke inhalation.

4 CPR and First Aid Tips for Elderly


Date: October 19th, 2018

4 CPR and First Aid Tips for the Elderly

Elderly individuals are at an increased risk of experiencing a medical emergency at home. If you have an elderly parent at home, it’s important that you get CPR and first aid training.

Low levels of vitamin D raises cancer risk


Date: October 12th, 2018

Vitamin D and Bowel Cancer

Vitamin D is normally produced by the skin when it gets in touch with sunlight. It can also be obtained from various diets such as fatty fish and fortified foods where it’s absorbed into the bloodstream from our guts.

The main purpose of this vitamin has been to maintain bones but as research on it broadens, it has been established that its role is not limited just to the bones.

So far, studies have successfully linked the vitamin with obesity, cardiovascular disease and Parkinson’s, among other many conditions.

Its influence on the progression of cancer has also been investigated.

Mental illness blamed for increasing rates of diabetes


Date: October 9th, 2018

Severe Mental Illness Worsens Diabetes

According to this study carried out by the University of California, individuals suffering from severe mental illness stand the highest chance of developing Type 2 diabetes. The Hispanic and African-Americans have much higher risks than any other race.

Worrying Figures

The researchers reported that over 15,000 patients suffering from severe mental illness were assessed out of whom 28.1% were found to be Type 2 diabetic. This was contrasted against 12.2% of the general population that previous studies have shown to have the disease.

Red meat dangerous for your heart, study shows


Date: October 5th, 2018

An Allergen in Red Meat Cause Heart Disease

Previous studies have shown us that due to high amounts of fat saturation in red meat, heart’s arteries tend to get blocked, resulting in an unprecedented heart attack.

Gestational diabetes and maternal type 2 elevates the risk


Date: October 2nd, 2018

Womb Diabetes Exposure Linked to Later-Life T2D

A new study has shown that babies who were generally exposed to gestational diabetes and Type 2 diabetes in the uterus stand a high risk of becoming Type 2 diabetic in later life.

The researchers asserted that those who were exposed to the two types of diabetes were seen to develop Type 2 diabetes in the future compared to those who hadn’t undergone the exposure.

Promising blood test likely to help you know your pregnancy due date


Date: September 28th, 2018

You May Tell Your Pregnancy Due Date Using A Blood Test

Women who have once given birth will tell you that most babies are never born on time. In fact, there are past studies, which have determined that only 5% of newborns are actually born on the days when they were expected.

Tonsils removal increases risk to respiratory infections


Date: September 25th, 2018

Think Twice Before Removing Those Tonsils in Your Child

The essence of removing tonsils during childhood is to ensure that your child does not experience breathing problems and that you also get rid of chronic earaches.

However, doing that may potentially get them in even bigger problems with the likelihood of developing respiratory infections.

According to a study led by Sean Byars, you expose your child to “long-term risks of disease, especially respiratory and allergic infections, for as long as 30 years once the child undergoes a surgery to remove tonsils.”

Infant formula can lead to childhood obesity, study shows


Date: September 21st, 2018

What Your Child Eats Affects Later Weight

Mothers who prefer feeding their children on formula rather than breastfeeding them may be placed on high alert with this new study. According to the research, babies who had been breastfed were found to have a different bacterial environment in their guts compared to those who relied on formula.

Past studies have already proven that obesity begins at an early age and that breast milk is one of the healthiest sources of ingredients for your little one. Children who are breastfed tend to have a lower risk of obesity in adulthood.