There has been a sharp boost with the quantity of Americans looking for an immediate care for heart rhythm disorder or better known as atrial fibrillation according to a fresh study. Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common types of irregular heartbeat and it can lead to blood clot, heart failure, heart associated problems and stroke according to experts.

The newest study conducted

In the newest study, researchers tracked a nationwide data analysis from year 2006-2011. The investigators have discovered that the level of hospital visits for atrial fibrillation have risen from 24% during those times from 133 visits/100,000 people to around 156 visits/100,000 people. In all, over 2.7M hospital admissions for atrial fibrillation were noted from 2006-2011 according to researchers.  On the other hand, there is also good news behind it, it is while being admitted to the hospital for the atrial fibrillation rises, and the mortality rate of the patients who were hospitalized became lesser since 1.18% in 2006 to around .97% in 2011.

This is according to Aggawal team; they are also the ones that suggested that the patients must get more adequate care. The patients with atrial fibrillation are more prone to becoming admitted to the hospital for emergency cases during their senior years and this is among women and those who have lived in low income parts in the US or at the northeastern part. This study was shown to the yearly assembly of the AHA in Chicago. There is a big geographical varieties emphasized to unmet the needs for intervention to lessen the possibility of being hospitalized. According to the experts, the results aren’t really astonishing.

More information about the new findings

As the population go on in growing and aging, the findings of the newly known atrial fibrillation and the common disturbance of the rhythm’s possible complications will go on to give to the continuing medical admissions to a lot of hospitals according to Dr. Friedman. He is the head of the heart failure services at the North Shore.  But this dr. also rely on that the enhancements in upkeep, better blood thinning medications, equipment that helps in monitoring the heart rhythms and lightly invasive processes that help in easing the heart rhythm irregularities can help in lessening the illness and mortality linked with atrial fibrillation.

According to Dr. Lawrence, the head of the department of emergency medicine at Interfaith Medical Center of New York City?  He actually believed that those with atrial fibrillation must be educated to know how to lead with the said condition.  The patients with atrial fibrillation come to the hospital, since they feel very uneasy and unsure if the medicine will work for them according to Lawrence. The patients with fast heartbeat are also at risk of stroke, heart failure and blood clots as well, but the patients with pre-existing atrial fibrillation with slow irregular heartbeats who are taking blood thinning medicines as prescribed and are at low risk too usually end up at the ER of the hospital.