Unhealthy Kidney Can Cause Diabetes


New studies have revealed that kidney illness can increase the risk of a person getting diabetes. For a long time now, the focus has always been about diabetes causing kidney disease but now people need to understand that the opposite is also true. That kidney problem can cause diabetes. Medical practitioners had already known that the opposite is true they just wanted to do further research to verify these findings.

Main Facilitator of Kidney Problems

Researchers of this new study found that kidney failure can cause diabetes. Urea which is a waste product from the kidney is the one responsible for linking between the two diseases. When the kidney doesn’t function well, urea that is broken down from protein in food will not be disposed off well and this can cause an increased level of urea.

Other things that might lead to kidney not functioning well include excessive alcohol intake and other drug abuse. Now that the studies reveal clearly that kidney problems can contribute to getting cancer, individuals need to take care of their kidney in the best way possible.

How the Results Were Arrived At

The study was conducted at a period of 5 years and it involved 1.3million adults who didn’t have diabetes. About 9% of the participants were observed to have elevated levels of urea in their body and this seemed to reduce kidney functionality. According to the researcher, this rate is the same as that of the general population.

It was also observed that people with higher urea levels were 23% likely to develop diabetes compared to those with normal urea levels. This research was published online by the journal Kidney International.

The high and low-risk difference was between 688 Diabetes cases per 100,000 individuals every year. This implies that for one hundred thousand people there will be 688 more Diabetes cases every year in those individuals with higher urea levels. This is according to senior Author Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly who is an assistant professor of medicine in Washington University School of Medicine located in St Louis.

Research Conclusion and Recommendation

Researchers concluded that they had known for a long time that Diabetes is one of the major risk factors for kidney disease, but they lacked better understanding about the kidney disease. The recent research conducted enabled them to have a better understanding that kidney disease through high levels of urea raises the risks of diabetes.

When urea stays a long time in the bloodstream can slowly contribute to kidney failure. It increases the insulin resistance and it limits insulin secretion as a result. When this happens, the body will not be able to control the sugar levels in the body which causes diabetes.

The researchers concluded taking care of the kidney using the many means available as well as constant screening and improvement the treatment can ensure that people are at lower risk of getting diabetes. Urea levels in the body can be lowered in several ways such as eating a balanced diet and taking proper medication.