Have you ever had an encounter and real talk with a chiropractor? Well in a recent study result, there was a chiropractic method that can help in lowering down high BP levels in patients with hypertension. The procedure is mainly painless and there is no medicine needed as well. The technique will be made by using small adjustments to the first cervical vertebra, which is known as the topmost bone at the neck area and it is also known as the Atlas vertebra. At first, initial measurements are undertaken to know the alignment of the Atlas vertebra. Then again, if the misalignment is visible, the chiropractor will do some small adjustments to the bones to bring them into a proper alignment.

The chiropractic technique

This technique is painless and there were not noted side effects on data as well. It’s just that the chiropractors are certified by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic or NUCC methods are qualified to this procedure. The study that was checked to around fifty people with onset high BP, they went through randomly assigned to get the new method or the so called sham method wherein the chiropractor will touch your body, since this is included in the newest methods they use, but they will not really perform any type of adjustment.

The patients will not even know if the group was in and they weren’t able to feel any distinguishing remarks at all between the real and the sham method. There were about twenty five people in every group between 53 years old & 70% of those were male and people with high blood pressure results made before the process and then 8 weeks later. The results has just showed that the treated group had lower BP and better alignment of the Atlas vertebra after just 8 weeks than they did with the sham treated group. The BP was quite lower than the average of 17mm systolic vs. the 3mm in the sham group.

The study conducted

The diastolic BP became low at 10mm within the treated group vs. the 2mm in the sham group. The treated group had around an average rate of .5 degrees of re-alignment of the Atlas vertebra while the sham group had only .1 degree of re-alignment. It was also theorized that the blood flow within the arteries that passes through the lower part of the skull and the upper spine might be affected by the misalignment of the vertebrae. This blood flow might change and that may signal an error in the body that blood pressure is quite low and causes it to raise blood pressure in the misguided try to rectify the perceived problem.  Moreover, the research is quite necessary to make a define population that is based on the recommendations. On the other hand, it will not be hard for anyone to see if this will lessen the BP, their need to medicines or even both.