A new ONC report proved that improving data access measure of the patients will be of much benefit to the health care providers as well as the patients. According to the report, healthcare centers ought to better their patient data access measures processes since that will lower consumer burden and at the same time enable entities offer better care.

ONC laid emphasis on bettering patient process for Health Record Request that HIPAA regulations encourage patients to get access to their personal data. However, caregivers and patients are still faced with challenges in finding the necessary information.

Why the Record Request Process is a win-win situation for all

Report authors wrote that in the present records request procedure, health systems and patients are usually at odds, since they struggle via unreliable system to meet necessary tasks with few resources but eventually the 2 user groups have similar goals as well as shared needs. That is an implication that the RRP or Record Request process is simply a win-win situation for all parties.

ONC interrogated 17 consumers in regard to consumer challenges faced in accessing their patient data. The agency went ahead and evaluated forms & release medical record data from the United States huge health systems and hospitals that represent thirty two states. After that, ONC liaised with partner stakeholders and agency to unload the record request process and find ways to improve it for the sake of the consumers.

An event or healthy crisis is a trigger often used to start the healthy data request process. The consumers then send the first inquiry requesting their data or records. ONC stated that the waiting procedure tend to be a “black hole”

The time limit to deliver required information

HIPAA regulations give room for a maximum of 30 days for the providers to deliver the information. However, consumers are not involved until the process comes to an end. Once the healthy systems have fulfilled the requests, then the records are delivered in an old-fashioned manner. The providers characteristically prefer printed records mailed or faxed or even a PDF set files on a Compact Disk.

The report authors pointed out that such formats need the office of the provider getting the records to insert them in their EHR manually. The Online data or records would be helpful in streamlining the whole process in regard to ONC. That way the providers and patients will have fast and easy access to the patients’ record all the time.

In addition, records are usually inaccurate and incomplete. The researchers observed that, in most cases, Patients records tend to have missing sections and mistakes which in turn lead to unnecessary or repeated procedures and test, which make the patients, feel dishonored by their providers. However, accurate and complete health records enable providers provided well-coordinated care & encourage patients to take care of body health and general well being.

A health system that is interoperable improves the process of patient data access. Also, portable health records enable access to patients who instantly need their records. ONC stressed that; there should be a highly translucent record request process.