A detailed overview of cervical cancerAbout cervical cancer

When abnormal cells of the cervix grow and develop out of control, this results in cervical cancer. The cervix is usually the lower section of uterus which forms the opening to the vagina. When diagnosed early, it is possible to treat cervical cancer successfully. A pap test is used for finding the cancer at its early stages. Recently, cervical cancer has become among the most common types of cancers affecting women across the globe. The cancer is less common in countries where cervical cancer is screened routinely.

Causes of cervical cancer

HPV or human papillomavirus is the main cause for cervical cancer and this virus can be got by engaging in a sexual encounter with a person who already has it. HPV virus comes in many different types and it is essential you keep in mind the fact that not all HPV types usually cause cervical cancer. There are some, which cause genital warts and others might not have any symptoms as such. A majority of adults have at a certain point being infected with HPV and in most cases; the infection will usually disappear by its own. There are other times however when it might cause genital warts and result in cervical cancer. For this reason, women are advised to go for Pap tests regularly where changes in the cervical cells are found before they are turned to cancer. Treating these cell changes helps prevent cervical cancer.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

Abnormal changes in the cervical cells will in most cases not cause any symptoms. However, the symptoms may be visible when the cell changes lead to cervical cancer. Bleeding from vagina which is abnormal is one of the symptoms of cervical cancer. This mostly includes bleeding between the menstrual periods, after menopause or after sex. A woman may also feel some pain in the pelvis or lower belly and pain during sex might be evident as well as abnormal vaginal discharge.

Diagnosis of cervical cancer

When going for regular pelvic exam, it is essential that a Pap test is done where small cell samples are scrapped from the cervix cells and cell changes analyzed. If abnormal cell changes are shown by the Pap test, other tests may be done by the doctor to check for cancer cells or precancerous cells on the cervix.

Treatment for cervical cancer

Surgery is the most common treatment for cervical cancer like hysterectomy and pelvic lymph nodes removal with the fallopian tubes and ovaries or without. Chemotherapy is another viable treatment option. Depending on the extent of growth of the cancer, a combination of treatments may be recommended. When hysterectomy is done, the woman can’t be able to bear children. As usual, early detection plays a very great role in promoting survival rate.