Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Immunity is the natural capacity of the body to fight off disease-causing microbes like viruses, bacteria, and any foreign substance present in the body.

The immune system is essential for human survival because it keeps the body healthy by fighting off disease-causing pathogens, including airborne and bloodborne pathogens.

It comprises many cells, body organs, and tissues that spread all over the body and are on the lookout for any invaders.

A compromised immunity usually means trouble. So how can you boost your immune system?

Understanding the Body’s Immune System
The immune system works by recognizing any foreign substance in the body and swings into defense immediately.

It differentiates the native from the non-native and seeks to restore normal body operations in case of an invasion.

Boost your immune system

Whenever you fall sick, the symptoms your body shows are a sign it is fighting against the disease, and not mere signs as we like to assume.

For example, when suffering from a common cold, you experience a runny and congested nose and severe headache. Don’t panic that your condition is worsening, many times it is the immune working to restore balance.
9 Ways to Boost Your Immune System
The immune system is essential for human survival because it keeps the body healthy by fighting off airborne, bloodborne pathogens and other disease-causing contaminants.

Below are the techniques to help you boost your immune system:
1.     Get enough sleep
Sleep is one way to boost your immune system. Lack of adequate rest is associated with a high chance of you falling sick.

The immune system is like a machine. It needs time to rest and the only way to re-energize your body is to get enough sleep day after day.

Failure to get enough sleep triggers the body to produce cortisol hormone which keeps the body alert and that can affect the immune system.

Those who sleep for at least 6-8 hours and kids who nap for 8-12 hours have more T cells.

Sleep and immunity go together.  You must practice a sleep routine to help boost your immune system. For example, going to bed at the same time daily, wearing a mask, avoiding screens, and keeping your room dark.

Having enough sleep betters your immunity. When sick, it is advisable to get more sleep to allow your immune system to battle the infection.
2.    Stay Active Physically
Regular physical exercise is one of the best ways to strengthen your immune system. It speeds up the activities in the body causing white blood cells and antibodies to move faster.

These enable them to detect and respond fast hence reduces the release of the stress hormones that make you feel sick.

People who exercise five days a week have a lower chance of contracting diseases like cold than those who don’t.

And if they happen to suffer from a cold they will show less severe symptoms than those who don’t exercise.

Studies have also revealed that high body temperature can help the body to fight disease-causing germs. Taking too much time on exercise can also stress your body, and turn out unhealthy. It is advisable to work out moderately— do not exceed an hour of physical exercise.
3.    Avoid stress
There is a serious relationship between endless worry and the immune system. To strengthen your immune system, try to stay on top of your stress.

Anxiety and nervousness can push the body to release stress hormones which suppress the body’s immune system. People under stress are more likely to suffer from Common Cold than those who are not.

lowering stress is one of the ways boost your immune system

When you are stressed, the body produces hormone cytokines that cause inflammation putting those with anxiety at the risk of falling sick.

Also, when under severe stress, people pay little attention to other healthy practices like getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet which can have a direct impact on the immune system.

Since you cannot avoid stress, always seek to deal with your worries instead of letting them pile up.
1.     Practice a healthy diet
Maintaining a balanced diet is the best way to care for and improve your health. It involves eating the right proportion of whole grains, leafy vegetables, plenty of fruits, vitamins, and healthy fats at the right time.

The alimentary canal plays a major role in the human immune system by facilitating efficient immune response. Studies show 80 percent of the natural body’s immune system is based on the digestive tract.

A healthy gut acts more effectively on invaders like germs, viruses, and bacteria by identifying them faster and sending a response.

A proper eating pattern that includes fermented food like yogurt allows room for the development of good bacteria in the digestive system and can help boost your immune system.

It is also recommendable to avoid red meat and fried meals because they cause inflammation. Eat more whole plants and legumes rich in antioxidants and nutrients which protect the body against disease-causing microbes.

The antioxidants play a major role in reducing inflammation by converting unstable compounds.
2.     Reducing sugars
Added sugars can cause noteworthy increases in weight and result in obesity which, in turn, puts you at risk of getting sick.

For example, when obese people receive a flu vaccine, they are more likely to catch flu than those who are not.

Avoiding sugar helps you reduce weight and decreases the chances of inflammation thus minimizing chronic health issues like cardiac diseases.
3.     Avoid dehydration
Drinking enough water on a regular basis is essential in maintaining many processes in your body, such as the natural removal of toxins and other pathogens.

The body’s immune system depends on blood to transport fluids and nutrients. Lack of enough water lowers blood capacity thus reducing the efficiency of transportation.

Dehydration, can, therefore, result in low physical activity, loss of mood, focus, digestion complications and affects the functioning of the kidney and heart.

These can make you more vulnerable to illnesses. To strengthen a weak immune system, take plenty of fluids. Water should be your priority because it is free from sugar, calories, and additives.

At old age, thirst is not easily noticed but it is advisable to drink plenty of water more often at least 8-12 glasses a day.
4.     Use correct supplements
Wise use of supplements is one way to strengthen a weak immune system, especially when your body is not responding to treatment.

We can obtain these supplements by eating nourishing foods rich in certain vitamins.

Various studies have outlined that the following supplements and vitamins can help boost your immune system if used appropriately:

  • Vitamin C: Is one of the major immune boosters and reviews shows that people who take the required amount of the vitamin per day, say 2000 mg, reduce exposure to by 14% in children and 8% in grownups

Foods rich in vitamin C include: kales, spinach, oranges, strawberries, grapes, and tangerines among others

  • Vitamin EIt’s a strong antioxidant that assists the body in fighting all types of illnesses. Foods rich in vitamin C include spinach and nut seeds.
  • Vitamin B6: It promotes biochemical reactions in the body’s immune system and the foods with this vitamin include chicken, green vegetables, salmon, and tuna fish.
  • Garlic: Using garlic as a supplement reduces the chances of Common Cold by 30%.
  • A study conducted on victims of common cold who’d supplemented with at most 75 mg of zinc daily experienced a reduced cold span by 33%.
  • Research work also proved that using elderberries can reduce the signs of respiratory infections.

Lastly, it helps to understand that the Food and Drug Administration isn’t doing much to regulate supplements, and mislabeling of products is a common occurrence.
5.     Exercise hygiene
Taking precautionary measures of preventing infections like washing hands frequently and cooking meat thoroughly can be a way of boosting your immune system.

Practicing high levels of hygiene can help reduce disease-causing germs and strengthen a weak immune system.
6.    Avoid smoking
Smoking may cause harm to your immune system making the body unable to fight infections.

Smoking cigarettes has negative impacts on the respiratory immune system and T cells making them less effective during an immune response.

Furthermore, smokers have reduced natural defenses and are more susceptible to contracting diseases. They also have a slow healing rate compared to non-smokers.
Final Words on How to Boost Your Immune System
The tips discussed above can help boost your immune system in many ways. In essence, one must change their lifestyle and exercise a healthy diet to strengthen a weak immune system.

To reinforce your body’s defense mechanism from the various disease-causing microbes, drink more water, reduce your level of sugar intake, practice moderate physical exercise, get enough sleep, and stay on top of your stresses.