If you are pregnant, and you take the influenza vaccine, what is going to happen? Well, that is why this study was carried out to find out whether there is any effect to this. This study shows that there is an effect indeed. It is on the mother rather than the baby. This study involved a good group of women.

The influenza virus makes expectant women and newborns vulnerable to morbidity and mortality. Research done by Ohio State University reveals that if an expectant woman got a scheduled flu injection a year before conception; her body immunity is going to be affected. It will be lower than that of a mother who was not injected.

The survey outcome that was released on 1 August 2017 had a sample size of 141 pregnant mothers – 91 vaccinated a year before while the rest 50 had not been vaccinated a year before.

The study team concluded that a month after injection, the antibody level in their bodies reduced thus rendering them weak to all types of flu, but their non-vaccinated peers were not affected. The antibodies shield against some types of flu viruses but not all.

Immune response is weaker depending on the number of jabs you get

According to Lisa Christian who is an associate professor from the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research at Ohio State University, the more the flu shots that a mother gets, then the weaker the antibody responses from the body will be.

It is important to know that after one month of vaccination, the antibody level increases on mothers who were previously vaccinated than women who were not vaccinated, although underlying causes not yet confirmed.

The annual jabs for flu decrease prevalence of flu, although client’s immune system decreases when done repeatedly. Note that the study found out that antibody volume in mothers and neonatal at birth do not change much even after cutting the umbilical cord.

The researchers strongly advise that all mothers during pre-natal care should be given flu vaccine to prevent any likely pregnancy illnesses, and improve baby immunity from 0-6 months just before the baby qualifies to get its own jab. It is very important that you get the jab for the protection of your baby.

Immunity of the unborn baby is not affected

Flu injection can lower the effects of diseases facing the health of the vaccinated women because of lower antibody responses; on the other hand, it does not affect the immunity transferred to their young ones born. Depending on the flu season, the study recommends circulation of different shots to counter the emerging virus among expecting mothers, the unborn and born ones effectively.

What can we gain from this study in summary? Flu jabs for mothers and mothers-to-be will affect their immunity, but they will not affect the immunity of their kids. Thus, a mother to be needs to go for the jabs so that the baby can benefit from the same. When a pregnant woman gets this shot, it will protect the baby until he/she is 6 months old.